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[425] #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 14 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:46 | SR:-- | Black #26015-EYAL
Shemos—Terumah 27:18–19 èéYçé:æë äîåøúZúåîù
Shemos—Terumah 27:9–10 éYè:æë äîåøúZúåîù
The height [of the pillars holding up the curtains] í§ÖôÒšÐî made of fine twined linen. þ†ÖïÐLÖôL¤ÑL
of twisted fine linen shall be five amohs, þ¢ÖïÐLÖôL¤ÑL³B £nÔêL'ÑôÖì It shall be one hundred amohs long on one side. :³ÞÖìÓêÞÖíí£ÖêÑtÔñCÓþÒ flê ·íÖnÔêÞÖëí¥ÖêÑô
and their sockets shall be [made] of copper. :³ÓL ÞìÐòó£Óí−ÑòÐðÔêÐî 10. It shall have twenty pillars, ó− flÌþÐNÓ¼î−¤ÖðŠnÔ¼Ðî.−
19. All the vessels of the mishkon ö flÖkÐLÌnÔí−¤ÑñÐk·ñÒ×Ðñ .¬− and twenty copper sockets. ³ÓL¢ìÐòó−£ÌþÐNÓ¼ó'Óí−ÑòÐðÔêÐî
in all its service, B¢³ÖðÒ ÞëμñÒ£×Ða
all of its stakes and all the stakes of the enclosure, þ£Ñ®ÖìÞÓí³Ò'ðгÌ−-ñÖ×Ðîî−§Ö³ÒðÞѳÐ−-ñÖ×Ðî
is the same translation he used for þÖaÐ×Ìô, þÖaÐ×ÌôñÓL BôebÐþÔ³Ðk
to the north and to the south ,óBþÖcÔñÐî öBõÖvÔñ which he translated as êÖðÖþн (v. 4). ,íÖðÖþнóÖbÐþe³ÐôÔí
from the curtains of the courtyard þÑ®ÖìÓí−ѼÐñÔšöÌô This is because they are [both] made with holes ö−ÌëÖweòÐôöÑíÓL−ÌõÐñ
to the drapes of the mishkon. L ,öÖkÐLÌnÔí ³B¼−Ìþ−Ìñ like a sieve. :íÖþÖëÐ×Ìk
The same was true on the western side, M ,ëÖþμÔnÔñöÑ×Ðî On one side. 38 .úÞÈçÆàÞÈääÈàÅtÇì
and 50 amohs by 50 amohs ó−ÌMÌôÎìñÔ¼ó−ÌMÌôÎìÔî The entire side is called íÖêÑt. 39 :íÖêÑt −eþÖšÔìeþ ñÖk
for the courtyard in front of it. 46 :î−ÖòÖõÐñþÑ®Öì
[10] It shall have twenty pillars. .íéÄøÀNÆòåéÈãËnÇòÀå [é]
The height was five amohs. .úBnÇàLÅîÈçäÈîÉ÷Àå Five amohs from one pillar to the next. 40 :ðenÔ¼Ðñ ðenÔ¼ö−Ña ³BnÔêLÑôÖì
[I.e.], the height of the partitions ,þÑ®ÖìÓí ³B®−ÌìÐôdÔëBb
And their sockets. .íÆäéÅðÀãÇàÀå
which was the width of the curtains. 47 :ó−̼ÖñÐwÔíëÔìBþ êeíÐî
[I.e., the sockets] of the beams were of copper. ,³ÓLìÐòó−ÌðenÔ¼ÖíñÓL
And their sockets shall be of copper. 48 .úÆL ÞçÀðíÆäéÅðÀãÇàÀå The sockets were set on the ground B ±ÓþÖêÖíñÔ¼ó−ÌëÐLB− ó−ÌòÖðÎêÖí
This intends to include the sockets of the screen, ,CÔ½ÖnÔí−ÑòÐðÔêê−ÌëÖíÐñ
so that you should not say that ,þÔôêÒ³êHÓL
copper sockets were only said êÖlÓê³ÓLBìÐò−ÑòÐðÔêeþÐôÓêÓòêG
in regard to the pillars of the curtains, ,ó−Ì¼Ö ñÐwÔí−ÑðenÔ¼Ðñ
while the sockets of the screen CÖ½ÖnÔí−ÑòÐðÔêñÖëÎê
were made of some other material. ,þÑìÔêö−ÌôñÓL
This, it seems to me, −Ôò−ѼÐëíÓêÐþÌòöÑk
is the reason it is again repeated. :öÖêÖòÐLe þÔïÖìCÖ×ÐlÓL
[19] All the vessels of the mishkon— .ïÈkÀLÄnÇäéÅìÀkìÉëÀì [èé]
which were needed for setting it up B³ÖôÖšÎíÔñö−Ì×−ÌþЮe−ÖíÓL
and for taking it down, ,B³ÖðÖþBíÐñe
e.g., hammers for driving stakes and posts. :ó−ÌðenÔ¼Ðî ³BðѳÐ−Ô¼BšÐ³Ìñ ³BëÖwÔô öBèÐk
Stakes. .úÉãÀúÄé
A sort of copper nail ³ÓLBìÐò−ÑþÐèÌòö−ÌôÐk
made for the drapes of the tent ñÓíÒêÖí ³B¼−Ìþ−Ìñö−Ì−eNμ
46 Beraisa deMeleches Hamishkon; Eiruvin 23b. 47 Tosafos (Zevachim 60a þôîêî í"ð) explain that since the
partitions of the mishkon and courtyard were intended to obscure the view of the kohanim’s service on the altar, then 38 The word íÖêÑt often means a corner. Here, is not the case. 39 See Rashi above, 26, 18. 40 The commentaries
only according to Rabbi Yehudah (see Rashi v. 1), who holds that the altar was three amohs high, would curtains of wonder: if the pillars stood five amohs apart and between 20 pillars there are nineteen spaces, then the total distance
five amohs be sufficient. According to Rabbi Yosi, however, who holds that the altar was ten amohs high, then the would add up to only 95 amohs—19 × 5 = 95; yet the courtyard (or enclosure) was 100 by 50! Some suggest that
five amohs here refer to the height from above the level of the altar. Accordingly, the curtains were fifteen amohs the width of the pillars has not been accounted for and they will make up the discrepancy (Abarbanel). Others give
high. 48 This seems repetitive since ³ÓÒ¾ìÐòóÓí−ÑòÐðÔêÐî is already mentioned in v. 17! more complicated solutions. See S.C.; Riva; B.Y.