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#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black
[513] Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:6 å:áì àùú éëZúåîù Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:32–34 ãìYáì:áì àùú éëZúåîù [524]
6. They arose early the next morning, ³ flÖþÏì¤ÖnÌô ·eô−·ÌkÐLÔiÔî.î that You have written.” :ÖzÐëÞÖ³Ökþ'ÓLÎê
and offered burnt-offerings ³Õ flñÒ¼e¤ñμÞÔiÔî 33. Adonoy said to Moshe, í¢ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ'iÔî .èñ
and brought peace-offerings. ó−¢ÌôÖñÐLeL£ÌbÔiÔî “Those who have sinned against Me, − flÌñ-êÖ¬ÞÖìþ¤ÓLÎê−Ìôƒ
The people then sat down to eat and drink, B fl³ÖLÐîñÒ¤×ÍêÞÓñ ·óÖ¼ÖíëÓL¥ÑiÔî I will blot out from My book. :−ÞÌþÐõÌqÌôep£ÓìÐôÓê
and got up to amuse themselves. ô :šÞÑìÔ®Ðñeô£ŠšÖiÔî 34. And now, go, |C¤Ññí„ÖzÔ¼Ðî .ðñ
lead the people to [the place] ñ¥Óêó †Ö¼Öí-³Óêí¤ÑìÐò
of which I have spoken to you. C flÖñ ·−ÌzÐþ·ÔaÌc-þÓLÎê
from the one slaughtered before him.” .î−ÖòÖõÐñÔìeëÖfÌô Behold, My angel will go before you. E−¢ÓòÖõÐñC¤ÑñÑ−−£Ì×ÖêÐñÔ ôí'ÑpÌí
He also saw [the situation] íÖêÖþ ðB¼Ðî
However on the day when I take account of them, − flÌðКÖtóB¤−Ðëe
and he said: ,þÔôÖêÐî
He saw yet another thing íÖêÖþ ðB¼Ðî
so that it should not be said of me ,−ÔñÖ¼eþÐôêÒ−êHÓL
and he said: ,þÔôÖêÐî
that I was not worthy enough −êÔðÐ×−̳−Ì−ÖíêHÓL
“If they build the altar, themselves, ,ÔìÑaÐïÌnÔí B³Bê ó−ÌòBa óÑíóÌê
to ask for mercy on their behalf. :ó−ÌôÎìÔþóÓí−ÑñμLÑwÔëÐñ
one will bring a chip of wood þBþЮê−ÌëÑôíÓï
[34] To [the place] ìÆà [ãì]
and another will bring a stone, öÓëÓêê−ÌëÑôíÓïÐî
of which I have spoken to you. .CÈìéÄzÀøÇaÄc-øÆLÂà
resulting in their work being completed all at once. ,³ÔìÔê³ÔëÐa³−ÑNμÔòöÖzÐ×êÔñÐô³êÑ®ÐôÌòÐî
Here is an instance where CÖñ is used CÖñöêÖ×LÑ−
But through my building it B³Bê íÓòBë −ÌòÎêÓL CBzÌô
connected with the verb þeaÌð þeaÌcñÓ®Ñê
and procrastinating in my work, ,−ÌzÐ×êÔñÐôÌañÑvԼгÌô−ÌòÎêÔî
in the place of E−ÓñÑê. ,E−ÓñÑê óBšÐôÌa
in the meantime Moshe will come.” :êÖëíÓLô CÖkö−Ñëe CÖkö−Ña
A similar instance: öÑ×Ðî
A festival to Adonoy. 47 .'äÞÇìâÇç
“to speak to him concerning Adoniyohu.” 27 :eíÖiÌòÒðÎêñÔ¼BñþÓaÔðÐñ
In his heart it was to God. 48 ,óÌ−ÔôÖMÔñíÖ−Öí BaÌñÐa
Behold, My Angel— 28 .éÄëÈàÀìÇîäÅpÄä
He was confident that Moshe would arrive íÓLô êÒëÖiÓLíÖ−ÖíÔìe¬Öa
but not I. 29 :−ÌòÖêêGÐî
and that they would worship God. 49 :óBšÖnÔí³ÓêeðÐëÔ¼Ô−Ðî
On the day that I take account, etc. .'åâå éÄãÀ÷Èt íBéÀáe
[6] They arose early. 50 .eîéÄkÀLÇiÇå [å]
As for now I shall listen to you E−ÓñÑê−ÌzмÔôÖLíÖzÔ¼
The Satan hurried them ,óÖïÐþÑïöÖ¬ÖOÔí
[and refrain] from destroying them all at once; ,ðÔìÔ−óÖ³BlÔ×ÐlÌô
for the purpose of sinning. :eêÖ¬ÍìÓiÓL−ÑðÐk
but always and consistently, ð−ÌôÖzð−ÌôÖ³Ðî
To amuse themselves. .÷ÞÅçÇöÀì
whenever I will take an accounting of their sins, ,óÓí−ѳBòBμóÓí−Ññμ ðBšÐõÓêÓLÐk
There is the implication [in šÑìÔ®Ðñ] íÓfÔí¼ÖôÐLÔnÔaLÑ−
I will also account for a little of this sin íÓfÔíöBÖ¼ÓíöÌô¬Ô¼ÐôóÓí−Ññμ−ÌzÐðÔšÖõe
of sexual immorality, as it is said: þÔôÍêÓpÓLBôÐk ,³B−Öþμ −elÌb
along with their other sins. 30 ;³BòBμÖíþÖêÐ Ló̼
“to mock me” 51 ,−ÌašÓìÔ®Ðñ
And, indeed, no punishment is meted out to Yisrael ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ñÔ¼íÖêÖa ³eòÖ¼Ðþet ö−ÑêÐî
(Potiphar’s wife’s accusation against Yosef)
that does not have along with it dÖaö−ÑêÓL
and of bloodshed, as it is said: þÔôÍêÓpÓLBôÐk ,ó−ÌôÖc ³e×−ÌõÐLe
some of the punishment for the sin of the Calf. 31 :ñÓèѼÖíöBμ öB¼ÐþÌtÌô³Ö®Ðš
“Let the lads arise and ‘play’ before us.” 52 53 ,eò−ÑòÖõÐñešÎìÔN−Ìîó−ÌþÖ¼ÐpÔíêÖò eôešÖ−
27 I Melachim 2, 19. 28 This seems inconsistent at this point, for God is speaking of retribution, whereas the
46 Aharon was ready to sacrifice his life for them. 47 How could Aharon build an altar to the Calf and announce angel going before them seems a favorable thing! (S.C.) 29 I.e., “they are not worthy to be led by Me.” Thus, it is
a festival to God?! 48 I.e., he did not actually say the words þÖìÖô ’íÔñèÔì, for then they would have realized his consistent with God’s displeasure with them. (S.C.) 30 As one would say to a friend: “I forgive you this time, but
intention. He only thought these words in his heart. (B.Y.) 49 Ibid. 50 Why early? 51 Bereishis 39, 17. 52 And if you ever do it to me again I will not only hold that against you but also that which you did to me now.” (B’chor
they went on to kill each other. 53 II Shmuel 2, 14. Shor) 31 Sanhedrin 102a.