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       [523]    #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #26
                         Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:30–32 áìYì:áì àùú éëZúåîù
                                                                                                              Shemos—Ki Sisa 32:7–9 èYæ:áì àùú éëZúåîù
             perhaps I will gain atonement for your sin.” :óÞÓ×гêÔhÔìð'Ô¼Ðaí£ÖþÐtÔ×Îê−'Ôñeê        7. Adonoy spoke to Moshe, “Go down, ð–Ñþ-CÓñí¢ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî.ï
               31. Moshe returned to Adonoy and said, þ¢ÔôêÒiÔîíÒ£ÖîíÐ−-ñÓêí§ÓLô ëÖL«ÖiÔî .êñ       for your people have become corrupt— EÐnÔ¼³¤ÑìÌL−Ìkƒ
                                   “I beseech You! ê†Öp¤Öê                                 those whom you brought up out of the land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑôÖ³−£ÑñͼÞÓíþ'ÓLÎê
                 This people have committed a great sin í flÖñÒðÐèí¤ÖêÖ¬Îì ·íÓfÔíó¥Ö¼Öíê„Ö¬Öì    8. They have departed quickly from the way ·CÓþ·ÓcÔí-öÌôþ†ÑíÔôeþ¤Ö½.ì
                        and have made a god of gold. :ëÞÖíÖï−'ÑíGÍêó£ÓíÖñe 'NμÞÔiÔî                           that I commanded them, ó fl̳−ÌeÌ®þ¤ÓLÎê
            32. Now if You would bear [forgive] their sin, ó¢Ö³êÖhÔìê¤ÖOÌz-óÌêí£Ö zÔ¼Ðî .ëñ    they have made for themselves a molten calf. í¢Ö×ÑqÔôñÓè£Ñ¼ó flÓíÖñe ¤NÖ¼
                 and if not, blot me out from your book £EÐþÐõÌqÌôêflÖò−Ìò¤ÑìÐôöÌ−–Ôê-óÌêÐî           They have prostrated themselves to it ·Bñ-eîÎìÞÔzÐ LÌiÔî

                                                                                                and have said, ‘These, Yisrael, are your gods ñ flÑêÖþÐNÌ− ·E−·ÓíGÍêíÓl¥Ñêe flþÐôêÒ¤iÔî
              [30] I will gain atonement for your sin. 22  .íÞÆëÀúàÇhÇçãÇòÀaäÈøÀtÇëÂà [ì]
                                                                                             who brought you up out of the land of Egypt.’” :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'ÓêÑôEe£ñͼÞÓíþ¤ÓLÎê
                   [I.e.] “I shall put a cleansing, wiping away  Ô ìepÌšÐîþÓõBk ó−ÌNÖê
                                                                                                              9. Adonoy said to Moshe, í¢ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ'iÔî.¬
                     and a covering in front of your sins, 23  ,óÓ×гêÔhÔìðÓèÓòÐñíÖô−̳нe
                     to separate between you and the sin.  :êЬÑìÔíö−Ñëe óÓ×−Ñò−Ñañ−ÌcÐëÔíÐñ
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                              [31] A god of gold. 24  .áÞÈäÈæéÅäGÁà [àì]
                              “You (God) are the One  êeí íÖzÔê                                 Here, too, [šÑìÔ®Ðñ alludes to] Chur’s being killed. 54  :þeì èÔþÍíÓòöêÖk¹Ôê
                      who caused this to happen to them  ,óÓíÖñÖzÐôÔþÖbÓL                                       [7] [Adonoy] spoke. 55  .øÅaÇãÀéÇå [æ]
                  for You gave them an abundance of gold  ëÖíÖïóÓíÖñÖzмÔtÐLÌíÓL                              [þÑaÔðÐ−Ôî] is a term of harshness  ,êeí −ÌLBš öBLÐñ
                            and anything they desired.  ,óÖ®ÐõÓìñÖ×Ðî                             as in: “(þÑaÔðÐ−Ôî) He spoke with them harshly.” 56  :³BLÖšóÖzÌêþÑaÔðÐ−ÔîBôÐk
                             How could they not sin”?  !eêЬÓìÓ−êHÓLeNμÔ−íÔô                                           “Go down.” 57  .ãÅø-CÆì
                         A parable comparable to a king,  CÓñÓôÐññÖLÖô                               I.e., “Descend from your exalted position.  ,EгÖleðÐbÌô
                       who fed and gave drink to his son  BòÐa³ÓêíÓšÐLÔôe ñ−Ì×ÎêÔôíÖ−ÖíÓL               I did not give you your high position  íÖleðÐèEÐñ−ÌzÔ³ÖòêG
                                   and adorned him  B¬ÐMÔšÐôe                                                      except for their sake.”  .óÖñ−ÌëÐLÌëêÖlÓê
               and hung a bag [full of money] from his neck  BþêÖeÔ®Ða½−Ì×BñíÓñB³Ðî                    At that moment Moshe was ostracized  íÓLô íÖcÔòгÌòíÖ¼ÖLdÖ³BêÐa
                   and made him stand in the doorway of  ìÔ³ÓõÐa Bð−ÌôμÔôe                                      by the Heavenly Court. 58  :íÖñмÖôñÓLö−Ìð³−Ñë−ÌtÌô
                                a house of ill-repute;  ,³BòBï ³−Ñë                                    Your people have become corrupt.  .EÀnÇòúÅçÄL
                     how could the son possibly not sin? 25  :êÖ¬ÍìÓ−êHÓLöÑaÔííÓNμÔiíÔô
                                                                                                It is not said: “the people have become corrupt,”  ,þÔôÍêÓòêGóÖ¼Öí³ÑìÌL
               [32] Now, if you would bear their sin—  .íÈúàÈhÇçàÈOÄz-íÄàäÈzÇòÀå [áì]                          but, rather: “your people”—  ZEÐnÔ¼êÖlÓê
                                then well and good—  ,ëB¬ −ÑþÎí                              the riffraff whom you accepted, on your own accord,  EÐôЮԼÑôÖzÐñÔaÌwÓLëÔþëÓþѼ
                        I will not say to You, “Erase me,”  ,−ÌòÑìÐôEÐñþÑôBê −Ìò−Ñê                          and you accepted as proselytes  óÖzÐþ−ÔiÌèÐî
                    but if not, erase me [from Your Book.]  ;−ÌòÑìÐôZöÌ−ÔêóÌêÐî                                   without consulting Me,  ,−ÌëÖzÐ×ÔñÐôÌòêGÐî
                             This is an eliptical verse 26  ,þÖ®ÖšêÖþКÌôíÓïÐî                                   and you thought it good  ëB¬ ÖzÐþÔ ôÖêÐî
                         and there are many such cases.  :íÑaÐþÔíöÑ×Ðî                             that proselytes be joined to the Shechinah—  íÖò−Ì×ÐLÌaó−ÌþÑèešÐaÐðÌiÓL
                                 From Your Book.  .EÀøÀôÄqÄî                                                    they have become corrupt  e³ÎìÌLóÑíZ
                           [I.e.] from the entire Torah,  ,dÖlek íÖþBzÔíñÖkÌô                                 and have corrupted others. 59  :e³−ÌìÐLÌíÐî

       22 In Bereishis (32, 21) Rashi explained that íÖþÖtÔk has the meaning of “cleansing” or “wiping away.” Furthermore,  54 Tanchuma 20.  55 Whenever the term þeaÌð is used without being followed by íÖþ−ÌôÔê, viz., þÒôêÑñíÓLô ñÓê’íþÑaÔðÐ−Ôî,it
       in Bereishis 6, 16 he explains ðÔ¼Ða as meaning “in front of.” The two ideas come together here and Rashi shows the  indicates a harsh statement. (M.)  56 Bereishis 42, 7.  57 1. And do what? Maharsha Berachos 32a. 2. CÓñ—“ Go”
       connection.  23 Hence ³ÓþÒtÔk, the cover of the ark. (S.H.)  24 What is the relevance of its being gold?  25 Berachos  should have been sufficient; why the additional ðÑþ—“ go down”? (Ohr Hachayim; Malbim).  58 Sh. Rab. 42, 3.
       32a.  26 The words ëB¬ −ÑþÎí—“then well and good” are left to be filled in by the reader.  59 Sh. Rab. 42, 6.
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