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[533]             Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:12–13  âéYáé:âì àùú éëZúåîù         #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-
                                                                                                            Shemos—Ki Sisa 31:13–14 ãéYâé:àì àùú éëZúåîù

                  You [also] said, ‘I know you by name ó flÑLÐëE−¤ÌzмÔðÐ− ·ÖzÐþ·ÔôÖêí¥ÖzÔêÐî  13. “And you, speak to the B’nei Yisrael, saying, þÒ flôêÑñ·ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¥ÑòÐa-ñÓêþ·ÑaÔcí„ÖzÔêÐî .è−
             and you have also found favor in My eyes.’ :−ÞÖò−ѼÐaö£ÑìÖ³ê'Ö®Öô-óÔèÐî                  You must still preserve My Shabbos, eþ¢ÒôÐLÌz−£Ô³Ò³ÐaÔL-³ÓêC'Ôê
       13. Now, please, if I have found favor in Your eyes, E−†Óò−ѼÐaö•Ñì−̳ê·Ö®Öô »êÖò-óÌêí”ÖzÔ¼Ðî .è−  for it is a sign between Me and yourselves ·óÓ×−Ñò−ÞÑëe −¥Ìò−Ñaêî•Ìí³B·ê »−Ìk
                        please let me know Your way, E flÓ×ÖþÐc-³Óê ·êÖò−Ìò¥Ñ¼ÌðB Þí                               for your generations ó flÓ×−ѳҤþÒðÐñ
                            so that I will know You, Eμ¤ÖðÑêÐî                                 to know that I Adonoy am making you holy. :óÞÓ×ÐLÌcÔšÐôíÒ£ÖîíÐ−−'ÌòÎê−§Ìk³Ô¼–ÔðÖñ
                    that I may find favor in Your eyes; E−¢Óò−ѼÐaö£Ñì-êÖ®ÐôÓêöÔ¼'ÔôÐñ        14. You shall [therefore] preserve the Shabbos ³ flÖaÔMÔí-³Óê ·óÓzÐþÔôÐLe .ð−
                                and [also] consider í–ÑêÐþe                                                       for it is sacred to you. ó¢Ó×Öñêî£ÌíLÓðÒ'š−§Ìk
               that this nation is [indeed] Your people.” :íÞÓfÔí−B'bÔí £EÐnÔ¼−'Ìk
                You [also] said, “I know you by name.”  .íÅLÀáEéÄzÀòÇãÀéÈzÀøÇîÈàäÈzÇàÀå         [13] And you, speak to the B’nei Yisrael. 21  .ìÅàÈøÀNÄééÅðÀa-ìÆàøÅaÇcäÈzÇàÀå [âé]
             [Saying to me, in effect:] “I have recognized you  E−ÌzÐþÔkÌí                              “And you, though I have charged you  E−ÌzÐðÔšÐõÌíÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹ÔêíÖzÔêÐî
                             from among other people  óÖðÖê−ÑòÐaþÖêÐMÌô                    to command them concerning the work of the mishkon,  ,öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐôñÔ¼óÖ³BeÔ®Ðñ
             ‘by name’—i.e., to recognize your importance,”  ,³eë−ÌLÎìóÑLÐa                               let it not be an easy matter for you  E−Óò−ѼÐañÔšÑ−ñÔê
             for You said to me [to indicate this importance]:  ,−ÌñÖzÐþÔôÖê−ÑþÎíÓL                              to set the Shabbos aside  ³ÖaÔLÔí³Óê ³BìÐðÌñ
                               “Behold I come to you  E−ÓñÑêêÖa−Ì×ÒòÖêíÑpÌí                                    on account of that work.” 22  :íÖ×êÖñÐôdÖ³Bê −ÑòÐtÌô
                        in the thickness of the cloud, etc.  ’BèÐîöÖòÖ¼ÓíëÔ¼Ða                        You must still preserve My Shabbos.  .eøÉîÀLÄzéÇúÉúÀaÇL-úÆàCÇà
                and also in you will they believe forever.” 47  :óÖñB¼Ðñ eò−ÌôÎêÔ−EÐaóÔèÐî                 Though you may be preoccupied  ö−ÌõeðÐþe−ÐíÌzÓL−ÌtñÔ¼¹Ôê
                                     [13] Now—   .'åâå äÈzÇòÀå [âé]                                   in the rush of the work [of the mishkon],  ,íÖ×êÖñÐnÔí ³eï−ÌþÐïÌaö−Ìï−ÌþÐïe
               if it is so that I have found favor in Your eyes  ,E−Óò−ѼÐaöÑì−̳êÖ®ÖnÓL³ÓôÍêóÌê   nevertheless Shabbos should not be set aside  íÓìÖcÌzñÔê³ÖaÔL
                        please let me know Your ways—  .EÓ×ÖþÐc-³ÓêêÖò−ÌòѼÌðB Þí              on account of it. [This is indicated by the fact that]  .Öí−ÓòÖtÌô
                          i.e., what reward do You give  öѳBò íÖzÔêþÖ×ÖOíÔô                                 every time the CÔê or šÔþ appear  Zö−ÌwÔþÐîö−ÌkÔêñÖk
                    to those who find favor in Your eyes—  :E−Óò−ѼÐaöÑì−ÑêЮBôÐñ               [they convey the idea of] limiting or excluding. 23  ,ö−̬e¼Ìô
                            so that I will know You  EÂòÈãÅàÀå                                      [Here CÔê appears so as] to exclude Shabbos  ³ÖaÔ L¬Ñ¼ÔôÐñ
                    that I may find favor in Your eyes.  .EéÆðéÅòÀaïÅç-àÈöÀîÆàïÇòÇîÀì                       from any work of the mishkon. 24  :öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐnÌô
                And through this (i.e., knowing Your ways)  BïÐa¼ÔðÑêÐî                          For it is a sign between Me and yourselves.  .íÆëéÅðéÞÅáe éÄðéÅaàåÄä úBà éÄk
                   the degree to which You give reward—  ,E−ÓñeôÐèÔz³ÔcÌô                                It is a sign of the esteem between us  ,eò−Ñò−Ñëê−ÌííÖñeðÐb ³Bê
                          what is this “finding of favor”  öÑì³Ôê−Ì®Ðôê−ÌííÔô                         that I have chosen you, [as is indicated]  óÓ×Öë−ÌzÐþÔìÖaÓL
                      which I have found in Your eyes. 48  ;E−Óò−ѼÐë−̳êÖ®ÖnÓL                             by My giving to you as a legacy  óÓ×Öñ−Ìñ−ÌìÐòÔíÐa
                 Hence the interpretation of öÑìêÖ®ÐôÓêöÔ¼ÔôÐñ is:  öÑì-êÖ®ÐôÓêöÔ¼ÔôÐñ öBþгÌõe                   My day of rest, for rest.  :íÖìeòÐôÌñ−̳ÖìeòÐô óB− ³Óê
                              so that I may appreciate  þ−ÌkÔêöÔ¼ÔôÐñZ                                                     To know.  .úÇòÇãÈì
                the extent of the reward for “finding favor.”  :öÑìÔí³Ôê−̮РôþÔ×ÐNíÖnÔk              [So that] the nations [know] through it  dÖa ³BneêÖí
          And consider that this nation is Your people—  .äÞÆfÇä éBbÇäEÀnÇòéÄkäÅàÀøe                         “that I, God, make you holy.”  :óÞÓ×ÐLÌcÔšÐô’í−ÌòÎê−Ìk
                                 so that You not say:  ,þÔôêÒ³êHÓL
                 “And I will make you into a great nation,”  ñBðÖb −BèÐñEгBê íÓNͼÓêÐî
                                                                                          21 1. What is the stress of íÖzÔêÐî—“ and you”? 2. Why the juxtaposition of Shabbos and the works of the mishkon?
                    while You abandon these [the people];  ,ëBïμԳíÓlÑê³ÓêÐî
                                                                                          3. Why the ’î at the beginning of íÖzÔêÐî?  22 In effect saying: let the same one who told them of constructing the
                 consider that they are Your people of yore,  ,óÓðÓwÌôóÑíEÐnÔ¼−ÌkíÑêÐþ    mishkon be the one who tells them of the prohibition of work on Shabbos, so that no one should mistakenly think
                                                                                          that erecting the mishkon sets Shabbos aside. See Mechilta Vayakhel and Rashi below 35, 2.  23 Rosh Hashana 17b.
       47 Above, 19, 9.  48 I.e., by permitting me to know my reward I will know the value of the “finding of favor.”  24 See Ramban and the responses by M., G.A., Abarbanel, B.Y.

                #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 17 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #
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