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[565] Shemos—Vayakhel 35:31–36:1 à:åìYàì:äì ìä÷éåZúåîù #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B
Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:19 èé:âì àùú éëZúåîù
and with [the skill to perform] all types of crafting. :íÞÖ×êÖñÐô-ñÖ×Ðëe 19. He [God] said, þÓôêÕ†iÔî .¬−
32. And to devise [plans] with ingenuity, ³Ò¢ëÖLÎìÞÔôëÒ £LÐìÔñÐî .ëñ “I will cause all My goodness to pass ·−Ìëe¬-ñÖkþ−¥ÌëμÞÔê−·ÌòÎê
to execute [those plans] ³ §NμÞÔñ before your presence, E−flÓòÖt-ñÔ¼
in gold, in silver and in copper. :³ÓL ÞìÐpÔëe ¹Ó½£ÓkÔëe ë'ÖíÖfÔa and will proclaim the Name, Adonoy, in your presence. E−¢ÓòÖõÐñíÒ£ÖîíÐ−ó§ÑLÐë−̳ê«ÖþÖšÐî
33. And in masonry for settings, ³êÕ£lÔôÐñöÓë§Óê³ÓL'þÎìÞÔëe .èñ
to execute all kinds of clever tasks. :³ÓëÞÖLÎìÞÔô³Ó×ê'ÓñÐô-ñÖ×Ða³B £NμÞÔñ
and that his words were finding acceptance. ,ó−ÌñÖaešÐôî−ÖþÖëÐðe
34. And the ability to instruct he instilled in his heart, B¢aÌñÐaö¤Ô³Öò³Ò£þBíÐñe .ðñ So he made an additional request ñBêÐLÌñ¹−̽BíÐî
he (Betzalel) and Oholiov, the son of Achisomoch C£ÖôÖ½−ÞÌìÎê-öÓaë'Öê−ÌñÏíÞÖêÐîêe–í to be shown a vision of His Glory. :BðBëÐk³−ÌêÐþÔô B³BêÐþÔíÐñ
of the tribe of Dan. :öÞÖð-íÑhÔôÐñ [19] He (God) said, øÆîàÉiÇå [èé]
35. He filled them with wisdom of the heart, ë †Ññ-³ÔôÐ×Öìó‚Ö³Òêê ·ÑlÌô .íñ “I will cause all My goodness to pass, etc.” .'åâå øéÄáÂòÞÇàéÄðÂà
I.e., “The time has come for you to see of My Glory, −ÌðBëÐ×ÌëíÓêÐþÌzÓLíÖ¼ÖMíÖ¼−ÌbÌí
to execute all the tasks of ³Ó×ê¤ÓñÐô-ñÖk ‡³BNμÞÔñ
that which I will allow you to see, ,³BêÐþÌñEгBê íÓLÐþÔêÓMíÔô
the engraver, the craftsman, and the embroiderer ó„ÑšÒþÐî ›ëÑLìÐî|L¤ÖþÖì
because I want and need to teach you EÐðÓnÔñÐñC−ÌþÖ®ÐîíÓ®Bþ −ÌòÎêÓL−ÌõÐñ
of greenish-blue wool, dark red wool, crimson wool, −§ÌòÖMÔí³Ô¼«ÔñB³Ðaö †ÖôÖbÐþÔêÞÖëe ³Óñ¤Ñ×ÐzÔa the order of prayer. ;íÖlÌõÐzþÓðѽ
fine linen, and the [the tasks of] weaver, è¢ÑþÒêÐîL£ÑMÔëe For, when you needed to ask for mercy ó−ÌôÎìÔþLÑwÔëÐñÖzÐ×ÔþЮÌpÓLÐkÓL
[also] that of laborers and planners. :³Ò ÞëÖLÎìÞÔô−£ÑëÐL ÞìÐîí flÖ×êÖñÐô-ñÖk ·−ÑNÒ¼ for the Israelites, ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−ñÔ¼
36 1. And they shall execute— »íÖNÖ¼Ðî.ê åì You reminded Me of the merit of the Patriarchs. ,³BëÖê ³e×Ðï−ÌñÖzÐþÔkÐïÌí
You thought íÖzÔê þeëÖ½Ðk
Betzalel and Oholiov—and every wise-hearted man ë †Ññ-óÔ×ÎìL−¤Ìê|ñÒ¤×Ðîë‚Öê−ÌñÏíÞÖêÐîñ¶ÑêÐñÔ®Ðë
that were the merit of the Patriarchs to be exhausted ³BëÖê ³e×ÐïíÖnÔzóÌêÓL
whom Adonoy had endowed with wisdom and insight íÖn flÑíÖa ·íÖòeëгe í¥ÖôÐ×Öìí‚ÖBíÐ−ö¶Ô³Öò »þÓLÎê there would no longer be any hope. ,íÖîКÌz ðB¼ ö−Ñê
to know (how) to execute in ³ flNμÞÔñ³Ô¼¤ÔðÖñ I will, therefore, cause to pass þ−ÌëμÔê−Ì òÎê
all of the holy work— LÓðÒ¢wÔí³¤ÔðÒëμ³Ó×ê£ÓñÐô-ñÖk-³Óê all the attributes of My goodness before you E−ÓòÖõÐñ−Ìëe¬ ³ÔcÌôñÖk
on the rock while you are concealed in the cave. 63 ,íÖþÖ¼ÐnÔa öe³ÖòíÖzÔêÐî,þÒevÔíñÔ¼
And will proclaim the Name, Adonoy, 'ä íÅLÀáéÄúàÈøÈ÷Àå
so as to teach you the order of asking for mercy ó−ÌôÎìÔþ³ÔLÖwÔaþÓðѽEÐðÓnÔñÐñ
[34] And Oholiov. .áÈàéÄìÃäÞÈàÀå [ãì] even if the merit of the Patriarchs is exhausted. ;³BëÖê ³e×ÐïíÓñÐ×ÌzóÌê¹Ôê
He was from the Tribe of Dan, ,öÖc¬ÓëÑMÌô And in this order that you see Me, Z−̳Bê íÓêBþ íÖzÔêÓLþÓðÑqÔ×Ðî
one of the lowliest of the Tribes, ,ó−̬ÖëÐMÔaÓLö−ÌðeþÐ−ÔíöÌô “wrapped [in a tallis]” ¹Öhe¼Ðô
one of the sons of [Yaakov’s] maidservants. ,³BìÖõÐMÔí−ÑòÐaÌô while proclaiming “the thirteen attributes,” 64 Z ³BcÌô è"− êÑþBšÐî
Yet God equates him to Betzalel ñÑêÐñÔ®ÐëÌñ óBšÖnÔíeíÖîÐLÌíÐî teach Yisrael to do likewise. ,öÑk ³BNμÔññÑêÖþÐNÌ−³ÓêðÑnÔñÐô−ÑîÍí
regarding the works of the mishkon, ,öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐôÌñ And by mentioning before Me −ÔòÖõÐñ eþ−ÌkÐïÔiÓL−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼Ðî
and he (Betzalel) is from the greatest of the Tribes. ,ó−̬ÖëÐMÔí−ÑñBðÐbÌô êeíÐî [My attributes] “Merciful One! Gracious One” "öepÔìÐî óeìÔþ,,
This tends to fulfill what is stated: þÔôÍêÓpÓMíÔôó−ÑiÔšÐñ they will be answered, ,ö−ÌòμÔòe−ÐíÌ−
“He does not recognize the rich over the poor.” 40 41 :ñÖð−ÑòÐõÌñÔ¼BL þÔkÌòêGÐî
63 See vv. 21, 22. “This will be a partial fulfillment of your request to see My Glory, though it cannot be completely
granted.” See next verse. 64 I.e., ó−ÌôÎìÔþñÓL ³BcÌô è"−—God’s thirteen attributes of mercy. See below, 34, 6–7.
40 Iyov 34, 19. 41 Tanchuma 13.
#26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Black #