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[539]           Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:23–34:1 à:ãìYâë:âì àùú éëZúåîù                                   Shemos—Vayakhel 35:21–23 âëYàë:äì ìä÷éåZúåîù        [562]

                          and you will see My Back, −¢ÖþÒìÎê-³ÓêÖ³−£ÌêÖþÐî                                   Sheini (Second Aliyah)   éðù
                       but My Face shall not be seen.” ô :e ÞêÖþÞÑ−êÕ'ñ−£ÔòÖõe              21. Every man whose heart lifted him up came— B¢aÌñB¤êÖNÐò-þÓLÎêL−£Ìê-ñÖkeêÒ–ëÖiÔî .ê×
                         Chamishi (Fifth Aliyah)   éùéîç                                    and every one whose generous spirit inspired him B †³ÒêB‚ìeþ í¶ÖëÐðÞÖò »þÓLÎêñÒ”×Ðî
                       34 1. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî.ê ãì                 brought a terumah-offering to Adonoy, í‚ÖBíÐ−³ ¶ÔôeþÐz-³Óê eê−…ÌëÑí…
                “Carve out two stone tablets for yourself ó−£ÌòÖëÎê³Ò'ìŠñ-−ÞÑòÐL §EÐñ-ñÖ½Ðt           for the work of the Tent of Meeting, ·ðѼBô ñÓíÒ¥ê³Ó×ê ·ÓñÐôÌñ
                                                                                                            and for the sacred garments. :LÓðÒ ÞwÔí−£ÑðÐèÌëÐñe
                             from before your face”—  ,E−ÓòÖtðÓèÓpÌô
                         to go away from there [then—]  :öÖlÔíÐñe óÖMÌô³Ó×ÓñÖñ                 22. And they came—both men and woman— ó−¢ÌLÖpÔí-ñÔ¼ó−£ÌLÖòÎ êÞÖíeêÒ'ëÖiÔî .ë×
                              you will see My Back.  .éÈøÉçÂà-úÆàÈúéÄàÈøÀå                         all who were generous of heart brought eê−…ÌëÑí…ë †Ññë−¤ÌðÐò|ñÒ¤k
                       He showed him the tephillin-knot  :ö−ÌlÌõÐzñÓLþÓLÓšeíÖêÐþÓí           bracelets, nose rings, finger rings, and buckles— ·ïÖôe×Ðî³Ô¼¥ÔaÔ¬ÐîóÓï‚ÓòÖîì¤Öì
                               [behind the Head]. 76 77
                                                                                                             all kinds of golden vessels— ë flÖíÖï−¤ÌñÐk-ñÖk
                         [1] Carve out for yourself. 1  .EÀì-ìÈñÀt [à]
                                                                                           and every man that offered a wave-offering of gold ë£ÖíÖï³'ÔõeòÐz¹−§ÌòÑíþ'ÓLÎêL−–Ìê-ñÖ×Ðî
             He (God) showed him a quarry of precious stone  öBò−Ìþ−ÌtÐòÔ½ëÔ®ÐìÔôeíÖêÐþÓí
                                                                                                                        unto Adonoy. :íÞÖBí−ÞÔñ
                     from within his tent and said to him:  ,Bñ þÔôÖêÐîBñÏíÖê CBzÌô
                            The [³ÓñB½Ðt—from ñÖ½Ðt] chips  ³ÓñB½ÐtÔí                                   23. Every man who had with him B †zÌêê¤Ö®ÐôÌò-þÓLÎêL−„Ìê-ñÖ×Ðî .è×
                          shall be [EÐñÓL—from EÐñ] yours.  ;EÐñÓLíÓ−ÐíÌ−
                             Carve out for yourself. 3  .EÀì-ìÈñÀt
                                                                                                                   [22] And women.  .íéÄLÈpÇä-ìÇò [áë]
                           You broke the First [Tablets],  ,³BòBLêÌþÖíÖzÐþÔaÌLíÖzÔê
                                                                                                           [ó−ÌLÖpÔíñÔ¼ means] with the women  ó−ÌLÖpÔíó̼
                       you carve out others for yourself.  .³BþÑìÔêEÐññÖ½ÐtíÖzÔê
                                                                                                                    and close to them. 28  öÓí−ÑñÎêö−Ì×eôнe
                         A parable: [this is comparable]  ñÖLÖô
                                                                                                                           Bracelets.  .çÈç
                  to a king who went off to a faraway land  óÖiÔí³Ôò−ÌðÐôÌñCÔñÖíÓLCÓñÓôÐñ
                                                                                                                A round golden ornament  ,ñBèÖ¼ëÖíÖïñÓL¬−ÌLÐ×Ôz êeí
               and left his betrothed with the maidservants.  ;³BìÖõÐMÔíó̼B³Ö½eþÎêÔì−ÌpÌíÐî
                                                                                                                      worn on the arm.  ,Ô¼BþÐfÔíñÔ¼ öe³Öò
        As a result of the immoral behavior of the maidservants  ³BìÖõÐMÔí ñešÐñÌš CBzÌô
                                                                                                            It is called a ð−ÌôÖ® —“ bracelet.”  :ð−ÌôÖvÔí êeíÐî
            her (the betrothed’s) reputation was besmirched.  .¼ÖþóÑLÖí−ÓñÖ¼êÖ®Ö −
        Her bridesman arose and tore up her marriage contract,  ,dÖ³Öae³Ðk¼ÔþÖšÐîdÖò−ÌëÐLBL ðÔôÖ¼                       And buckles.  .æÈîeëÀå
                  saying: “If the king will decide to kill her  ,dÖèÐþÔíÐñCÓñÓnÔíþÔôêÒ−óÌê,þÔôÖê                A golden ornament worn  öe³Öò êeí ëÖíÖï−ÌñÐk
                  I will tell him: ‘She is not yet your wife’.”  .EÐzÐLÌêdÖò−ÑêöÌ−ÔðμBñþÔôBê               against a woman’s private parts.  ,íÖMÌêÐñ óBšÖô B³Bê ðÓèÓòÐk
             [Consequently] the king investigated and found  êÖ®Öôe CÓñÓnÔíšÔðÖa              Our Sages explained the derivation of the name ïÖôe×  ïÖôek óÑLeLÐþÑt eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
                      that the immoral behavior was only  êÖlÓê ñešÐñÌwÔííÖ−ÖíêHÓL              as íÖnÌï óBšÖôöêÖk—“here is the place of lewdness.” 30  :íÖnÌï óBšÐôöêÖk
                        on the part of the maidservants.  ;³BìÖõÐMÔíöÌô                            [23] Every man who had with him— 31  BzÄààÈöÀîÄð-øÆLÂàLéÄà-ìÈëÀå [âë]
                           He was reconciled with her,  .dÖñíÖvÔþгÌò                                   greenish-blue wool, or dark red wool,  öÖôÖbÐþÔêBê³ÓñÑ×Ðz
            whereupon the bridesman said to him (the king):  ,dÖò−ÌëÐLBL Bñ þÔôÖê                           or crimson wool, or rams’ skins  ó−Ìñ−Ñê ³BþB¼ Bê −ÌòÖL³Ô¼ÔñB³ Bê
                     “Write her another marriage contract  ,³ÓþÓìÔêíÖae³ÐkdÖñ ëB³Ðk                                   or tachash skins—  Zó−ÌLÖìгBê
       76 Berachos 7a.  77 “The above parsha is not fathomable to one who has not studied the ‘secrets of the
       Torah’”— Ramban v. 14.  1 1. The word for hewing stones from a quarry is íÖë−Ì®Îì. Hence, ëB®Îì would have been  28 They were in close proximity to satisfy the law that it is not permitted to accept a contribution from a woman
       more appropriate here. (B.Y.) 2. Why EÐñ—“ for yourself”? (Maharsha Nedarim 38a, cited by L.S.R.)  2 Tanchuma  without the consent of her husband. The husband, too, may not contribute of her jewelry without her consent.
       29; Vayik. Rab. 32, 2.  3 Unlike the First Tablets, which were carved by God Himself. Why?  (N.Y., B.M.C.)  29 Bamidbar 31, 50.  30 Shabbos 64a.  31 The verse enumerates a list of items. Should these not
                                                                                          get a plural verb eêЮÐôÌò rather than êÖ®ÐôÌò?               26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SH




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