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[543] Shemos—Ki Sisa 34:7–9 èYæ:ãì àùú éëZúåîù # Shemos—Vayakhel 35:3–7 æYâ:äì ìä÷éåZúåîù 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SH
and children’s children, ó−flÌòÖë−¤ÑòÐa-ñÔ¼Ðî in all your dwelling places ó¢Ó×−Ñ³Ò ÞëÐL ÞôñÒ£×Ða
[even] upon the third and fourth [generation].” :ó−Þ̼ÑaÌþ-ñÔ¼Ðîó−£ÌLÑlÌL-ñÔ¼ on the day of Shabbos.” ô :³ÞÖaÔMÔíóB£−Ða
8. Moshe hastened, bowed to the ground, íÖ®Ðþ£ÔêðÒ'wÌiÔîí¢ÓLô þ£ÑíÔôÐ−Ôî.ì 4. Moshe said í flÓLô þÓôêÒ¤iÔî.ð
and prostrated himself, :eìÞÖzÐLÌiÔî to the entire congregation of the B’nei Yisrael, saying, þÒ¢ôêÑññ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐa³'Ôðμ-ñÖk-ñÓê
9. and said, “If I have found favor in Your eyes ·E−·Óò−ѼÐaö¥Ñì−̳ê·Ö®Öô »êÖò-óÌêþÓôêÕ”iÔî.¬ “This is the word that Adonoy has commanded: :þÒ ÞôêÑñí£ÖBíÐ−í'ÖeÌ®-þÓLÎêþ flÖëÖcÔíí¤Óï
my Master, let my Master go among us; eò¢ÑaÐþÌšÐa−£ÖòÒðÎêê'Öò-CÓñÞÑ−−flÖòÒðÎê 5. Take [collect] from among yourselves ó¥Ó×ÐzÌêÞÑôe¶ìК.í
although it is a stiff-necked people, êe flí ·¹ÓþÒ·¼-íÑLК-óÔ¼−¥Ìk a terumah-offering to Adonoy. íflÖîÕí−ÞÔñ ·íÖôeþÐz
pardon our iniquity and our sins, eò£Ñ³êÖhÔìÐñe eò'ÑòBμÞÔñ §ÖzÐìÔñÞÖ½Ðî Every man whose heart impels him to generosity B flaÌñë−¤ÌðÐòñÒkƒ
gold, silver and copper, :³ÓL ÞìÐòe ¹Ó½£Ó×Öîë'ÖíÖï
in another verse “of those who hate Me.” 22 23 :"−ÖêÐòNÐñ,, þÑìÔêêÖþКÌôÐa 6. And greenish-blue wool, dark red wool, ö§ÖôÖbÐþÔêÐî³Óñ«Ñ×гe .î
And fourth. .íéÞÄòÅaÄø-ìÇòÀå
crimson wool, −£ÌòÖL³Ô¼'ÔñB³Ðî
[Meaning:] the fourth generation. ;−̼−ÌëÐþ þBc
fine linen, and goat’s hair, :ó−ÞÌf̼ÐîL'ÑLÐî
Consequently it follows that the Attribute of Good íÖëB¬ íÖcÌô³êÑ®ÐôÌò
7. and red-[dyed] rams’ skins, tachash skins, ó−£ÌLÖìÐz³Ò'þÒ¼Ðîó−§ÌôÖcÖêÐôó«Ìñ−Ñê³Ò·þÒ¼Ðî.ï
(i.e., reward)
is greater than the Attribute of Retribution ³eòÖ¼Ðþet ³ÔcÌôñÔ¼íÖaeþÐô and accacia wood, :ó−ÞÌhÌL−'ѮμÞÔî
five hundred fold ,³BêÑôLÑôÎìÔñ³ÔìÔê
“He preserves kindness ðÓ½ÓìþÑ®Bò
Kindling a fire, a îêÔñ—a negative precept, îêÖñÐñíÖþÖ¼ÐëÔí
for [two] thousand generations.” 24 25 :ó−ÌõÖñÎêÔñ
“went out” ,³êÖ®Ö−
[8] Moshe hastened. .äÆLî øÅäÇîÀéÇå [ç]
(i.e., was singled out to indicate this new law). 7
When Moshe saw the Shechinah passing by ,³ÓþÓëB¼ íÖò−Ì×ÐLíÓLô íÖêÖþÓLÐk Others say it “went out” (i.e., was singled out) to separate ó−ÌþÐôBê LÑ−Ðî
and heard the voice of the Proclamation, ,íÖê−ÌþÐwÔí ñBš ¼ÔôÖLÐî [the melachos of Shabbos]. 8 :³ÖêÖ®Ð−šÑlÔìÐñ
he immediately prostrated himself. :eìÞÖzÐLÌiÔîðÖiÌô
This is the word that Adonoy has commanded— 'ä äÈeÄö-øÆLÂàøÈáÈcÇääÆæ [ã]
[9] Let My Master go among us— 26 .eðÅaÀøÄ÷ÀaéÈðÉãÂààÈð-CÆìÞÅé [è] 9
me, to tell you. :óÓ×ÖñþÒ ÞôêÑñ−Ìñ
as You promised us. ,ÖzÐìÔ¬ÐëÌíÓLBôÐk
[5] Whose heart impels him to generosity. .BaÄìáéÄãÀð [ä]
Since You bear iniquity, ;öBÖ¼êÑNBò íÖzÔêÓLþÔìÔêÑô
Since it is his heart that inspires him [to give] ,BëÐðBò BaÌlÓLóÑLñÔ¼
and, therefore, if 27 they will be a stiff-necked people êeí ¹ÓþB¼ íÑLКóÔ¼óÌêÐî
he is called “generous of heart.” .ëÑñë−ÌðÐò −eþÖš
and rebel against You— ,EÐëeþÐôÔ−Ðî
about which You said: ³êÒïñÔ¼ÖzÐþÔôÖêÐî
I have already explained the contributions to the mishkon öÖkÐLÌnÔí³ÔëÐðÌò−ÌzÐLÔþ−ÑtþÖëÐk
“I may destroy you along the way” — ,"CÓþÖcÔaEÐñÓ×ÎêöÓt,,
and its work in the place where they were commanded. :öÖ³ÖêîÖeÔv óBšÐôÌaBzÐ×êÔñÐôe
22 Above, in 20, 5 it states: −ÖêÐòBNÐñ ’îèî ó−ÌòÖañÔ¼ ³BëÖêöBμðÑšBt—“ He visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons, 7 I.e., it is not a melachah—“labor” like the others whereby it would be subject to the death penalty, or kares or
etc. of those who hate Me.” Hence, only if the sons also hate God, does He punish the sons for the fathers’ sins. a korbon chatos—a “sin-offering,” but, rather, just a îêÔñ which carries the punishment of malkos—“lashes.” 8 I.e.,
23 Berachos 7a. 24 Which is five hundred times greater than four generations. 25 Toseftah Sotah 4, 1. 26 1. But if one out of ignorance, does the various major labors on Shabbos, they are considered separate and unrelated
had not God already promised: e×ÑñÑ−−ÔòÖt—“ My presence will go with you” (above, 33, 14)?! 2. How could Moshe ask transgressions and he must bring a separate ³êÖ¬Ôì—“sin offering,” for each and every melacha. This is in contrast
that God go among them êeí ¹ÓþB¼ íÑLКóÔ¼−Ìk—for it is a stiff-necked people. Is this not the very same reason that God to where one does the same melacha several times, whereby he brings only one ³êÖ¬Îì for as many times as he did
gave for not going among them: íÖzÔê¹ÓþB¼ íÑLКóÔ¼−ÌkEÐaÐþÌšÐëíÓñμÔêêG—“ that I will not go up among you for you are a the melacha. (Shabbos 70a). 9 The word þÒôêÑñ appears twice in the verse. Rashi shows the distinction between
stiff-necked people.” (above, 33, 3)?! (S.A.) 27 The word −Ìk in ¹ÓþÒ¼íÑLКóÔ¼−Ìk is rendered “if.” 28 Above, 33, 3. the two—the first means “as follows” whereas the second means “to tell you.” (L.S.R.) There are numerous other
explanations of this Rashi. See M., G.A.
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