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[559]  Shemos—Vayakhel 35:8–13  âéYç:äì ìä÷éåZúåîù  #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-0
                             Shemos—Ki Sisa 34:7 æ:ãì àùú éëZúåîù

 8. and oil for the light, spices for annointing oil, í flÖìÐLÌnÔíöÓô¤ÓLÐñ ·ó−ÌôÖNÐëe þB¢êÖnÔñöÓô£ÓLÐî.ì  7.Hepreserveskindnessforthousands[ofgenerations], ó− flÌõÖñÎêÞÖñ ·ðÓ½·Óìþ'Ñ®Òò .ï
 and for the incense of aromatic spices, :ó−ÞÌnÔqÔí³ÓþÒ £¬ÐšÌñÐî  bearing [forgiving] iniquity, transgression and sin. í¢ÖêÖhÔìÐî¼ÔL£ÓõÖîöÒ§îÖ¼ê'ÑNÒò
 9. and onyx stones, and stones for setting ó−¢ÌêŠlÌô−£ÑòÐëÔêÐîóÔí flL-−ÑòÐë¶ÔêÐî.¬  He clears [acquits the penitent] ·íÑwÔòÐî
 into the ephod and the breastplate. :öÓL ÞìÔñÐîðB£õÑêÞÖñ  and he does not clear [acquit the impenitent], í flÓwÔòÐ−ê¤G
 10. All those who are wise in heart among you ó¢Ó×Öaë£Ññ-óÔ×Îì-ñÖ×Ðî.−  visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, ·ó−ÌòÖa-ñÔ¼³B†ëÖêöÒ¤îμ|ð¤ÑšÒt
 shall come and make e flNμÞÔ−ÐîeêÒ¤ëÖ−
 all that Adonoy has commanded. :íÞÖBíÐ−í£ÖeÌ®þ'ÓLÎê-ñÖk³§Ñê
 11. The mishkon, its tent and its cover, eí¢Ñ½Ð×Ìô-³ÓêÐîB£ñÏíÞÖê-³Óêö flÖkÐLÌnÔí-³¶Óê .ê−  And abounding in kindness—  .ãÆñÆç-áÇøÀå
                         to those who require kindness,  ,ðÓ½Óìó−Ì×−ÌþÐvÔñ
 its clasps, and its planks, î− flÖLÖþК-³ÓêÐî ·î−Ö½ÖþК-³Óê
                   for they do not have sufficient merits. 16  :CÖkñÖk ³BiŠ×ÐïóÓíÖñö−ÑêÓL
 its bars, its pillars and its sockets. :î−ÞÖòÖðÎê-³ÓêÐîî−£ÖðŠnÔ¼-³Óêî–Öì−ÌþÐa-³Óê
                                      And truth.  .úÞÆîÁàÞÆå
 12. The ark and its poles, î−£ÖcÔa-³ÓêÐîöÒ'þÖêÞÖí-³Óê .ë−
             [Meaning: He can be depended upon] to reward  ëB¬ þÖ×ÖLóÑlÔLÐñ
 its cover and the partition screen. :CÞÖ½ÖnÔí³Ó×Ò'þÖt³£ÑêÐî³ÓþÒ¢tÔkÔí-³Óê  those who do his will.  :BòB®Ðþ−ÑNB¼Ðñ
 13. The table and its poles, î−£ÖcÔa-³ÓêÐîö'ÖìÐñŠMÔí-³Óê .è−  [7] He preserves kindness.  .ãÆñÆçøÅöÉð [æ]
       [I.e., the kindness] which the person does before Him. 17  ,î−ÖòÖõÐñíÓNB¼ óÖðÖêÖíÓL

                 [Meaning:] for two thousand generations.  ;³BþBc ó−ÌõÖñÎê−ÑòÐLÌñ
                            [Iniquity, transgression.]
 [11] The mishkon. 10  .ïÈkÀLÄnÇä-úÆà [àé]
                      ³BòBμ are sins committed knowingly;  ;³BòBðÐfÔíelÑê ³BòBμ
 The lower drapes which are visible on the inside  B×B³Ða ³BêÐþÌpÔí ³BòBzÐìÔzÔí ³B¼−ÌþÐ−
            ó−̼ÖLÐt are sins committed for the sake of rebellion,  ó−ÌðÖþÐnÔíelÑêó−̼ÖLÐt
 are referred to as mishkon. 11  :öÖkÐLÌô −eþÖš
                      which a person does out of spite. 18  :½−̼Ð×ÔíÐñíÓNB¼ óÖðÖêÓL
 Its tent.  .BìÃäÞÈà-úÆà
                      He clears and He does not clear.  .äÆwÇðÀéàGäÅwÇðÀå
 This refers to the covering of the goat-hair drapes  ,ó−Ìf̼ ³B¼−ÌþÐ−ñÓíÒê êeí  ¼ÖôÐLÔô B¬eLÐõ−ÌõÐñ
                  According to its plain meaning it conveys
 which serve as a roof. 12  :èÔèÐñ −eNÖ¼Óí       ,−ÑþÐôÔèÐñöBÖ¼ÓíñÔ¼þÑzîÔîÐô Bò−ÑêÓL
                that He does not completely indulge any sin
 And its cover.  .eäÅñÀëÄî-úÆàÀå  but exacts retribution for it bit by bit. 19  .¬Ô¼Ðô¬Ô¼ÐôepÓnÌô¼ÖþÐõÌòêÖlÓê
 The covering of the rams’ skins and the tachash-skins. 13  :ó−ÌLÖìÐzÔíÐî ó−Ìñ−ÑêÖí ³BþB¼ íѽÐ×Ìô  But our Sages explained it:  ,eLÐþÖð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
 [12] And the partition screen. 14  .CÞÈñÈnÇäúÆëÉøÈtúÅàÀå [áé]  He clears those who repent  ó−ÌëÖLÐñ êeí íÓwÔòÐô
 This was the paroches of the partition  15  ;íÖ®−ÌìÐnÔí³Ó×ÒþÖt  and He does not clear those who do not repent. 20  :ó−ÌëÖLöÖ ò−ÑêÓLÐñíÓwÔòÐ−êGÐî
 Anything that serves as a shield  ,ö−ÑèÑnÔíþÖëÖcñÖk  Visiting the iniquity of the fathers  úBáÈàïBÂòãÅ÷Ét
 whether horizontally, whether vertically  ,ðÓèÓòÐkÌôö−ÑaíÖñмÔôÐñÌôö−Ña  upon the children. 21  .íéÄðÈa-ìÇò
 can be referred to as CÖ½Öô or CÔ×н.  ,CÔ×нe CÖ½Öô −eþÖš  When they retain the deeds of their fathers  óÓí−ѳBëÎêíÑNμÔôó−ÌïÎìBêÓLÐk
 Similarly: “(ÖzÐ×ÔN) You have protected him [from above],” 16  ,BðμÔëÖzÐ×ÔNöÑ×Ðî  in their hands (i.e., follow in their footsteps),  ,óÓí−Ñð−Ìa
 [or:] “Behold I (CÖN) will protect your road.” 17  :CÑkÐþÔc³ÓêCÖN−ÌòÐòÌí  as was already made clear  LÔþ−ÑtþÖëÐkÓL

       16 Rosh Hashanah 17a.  17 The “kindness” here does not refer to God’s kindness as it does in ðÓ½ÓìëÔþÐî. (S.C.)
       18 Yoma 36b.  19 So as to encourage him to repent.  20 Ibid. 86a. Note: Among the “Thirteen Attributes of Mercy”
 10 Is not the mishkon all-inclusive?! Then how is it followed by eíѽÐ×Ìô³ÓêÐîBñÏíÖê³Óê?!  11 See above, 26, 1.  12 See  there are several that seem somewhat alike. Consult the commentaries for the subtle distinctions between them.
 ibid. 7.  13 Ibid. 14.  14 The CÖ½Öô here is not the curtain that was at the entrance of the ðѼBô ñÓíÒê (above, 26, 37) or  Mizrachi and Gur Aryeh, among others, write at length on this matter. See also Tomer Devorah.  21 But does it
 the one at the entrance to the courtyard of the mishkon (above, 27, 16).  15 That separated the holy from the holy  not say ³BëÖêñÔ¼e³Ðôe− êG ó−ÌòÖëe—“ Children will not die for [the sins of] their fathers” (Devarim 24, 16)?!
 of holies. (above, 26, 31)  16 Iyov 1, 10.  17 With thorns (Hoshea 2, 8) which is a vertical shield. (S.H.)

 #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:47 | SR:-- | Black   #
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