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[561]  Shemos—Vayakhel 35:17–20 ëYæé:äì ìä÷éåZúåîù  Shemos—Ki Sisa 34:1–4 ãYà:ãì àùú éëZúåîù  [540]

 its pillars and its sockets, Öí−¢ÓòÖðÎê-³ÓêÐîî−£ÖðŠnÔ¼-³Óê  just like the first ones. ó−¢ÌòÒLêÞÌþÖk
 and the screen for the entrance of the enclosure. :þÞÑ®ÖìÞÓíþÔ¼'ÔLC£Ô½Öô³–ÑêÐî  And I will write upon these tablets the words ó− flÌþÖëÐcÔí-³·Óê³Ò flìŠlÔí-ñÔ¼ ·−ÌzÐëÔ³ÞÖ×Ðî
 18. The stakes of the mishkon, ö§ÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ò«ðгÌ−-³Óê .ì−  which were on the first Tablets ó−£ÌòÒLêÞÌþÖí³Ò'ìŠlÔí-ñÔ¼e§−Öíþ'ÓLÎê
 and the stakes of the enclosure and their ropes. :óÞÓí−Ñþг−ÞÑô-³ÓêÐîþ£Ñ®ÖìÞÓí³Ò'ðгÌ−-³ÓêÐî  that you broke. :ÖzÐþÞÔaÌLþ'ÓLÎê
 19. The covering cloths for the holy articles, LÓðÒ¢wÔa³¤ÑþÖLÐñð£ÖþÐOÔí−'ÑðÐèÌa-³Óê .¬−  2. Be ready for the morning, þÓš¢ÒaÔñöB£×Öòí'Ñ−ÐíÓî.ë
 and the sacred garments for Aharon the kohein, ö flÑíÒkÔíöÒ¤þÎíÞÔêÐñ ·LÓðÒ·wÔí−¥ÑðÐèÌa-³Óê  and in the morning go up to Mount Sinai −flÔò−̽þ¤Ôí-ñÓê ·þÓšÒ·aÔëÖ³−¥ÌñÖ¼Ðî
 and the garments for his sons î−£ÖòÖë−'ÑðÐèÌa-³ÓêÐî  and stand there before Me ó£ÖL−§Ìñ 'ÖzÐëÔvÌòÐî
 to wear when they serve.” :öÞÑíÔ×Ðñ  on the top of the mountain. :þÞÖíÖíLêÒ'þ-ñÔ¼
 20.TheentirecongregationoftheB’neiYisraeldeparted ñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−-−ÞÑòÐa³'Ôðμ-ñÖke§êЮÞÑiÔî.×  3. No man shall go up with you, C flÖn̼í¤ÓñμÞÔ−-êG ·L−ÌêÐî.è
 from the presence of Moshe. :íÞÓLô −'ÑòÐõÌlÌô  nor shall any man be seen on the entire mountain; þ¢ÖíÖí-ñÖ×Ðaê£ÖþÑ−-ñÔêL−'Ìê-óÔèÐî
                even the sheep and cattle shall not graze e fl¼ÐþÌ−-ñÔê ·þÖšÖaÔíÐîöêÒ¥vÔí-óÔb
              4. He [Moshe] carved out two stone tablets ó−•ÌòÖëÎê³Ò·ìŠñ-−ÞÑòÐLñÒ”½ÐõÌiÔ î.ð
 [17] Its pillars and its sockets.  .ÈäéÆðÈãÂà-úÆàÀååéÈãËnÇò-úÆà [æé]
                              just like the first ones. ó−†ÌòÒLêÞÌþÖk
 Here you have þÑ®Öì referred to  öêÖk −eþÖšþÑ®Öì−ÑþÎí
 both as masculine and feminine. 23  ,íÖëÑšÐò öBLÐñe þÖ×Öï öBLÐñ
 There are many such instances. 24  :íÑaÐþÔíó−ÌþÖëÐcöÑ×Ðî
 And the screen for the entrance of the enclosure.  .øÞÅöÈçÞÆäøÇòÇLCÇñÈîúÅàÀå  for the first one was torn up.”  .íÖòBLêÌþÖííÖ¼ÐþКÌpÓL
 A curtain spread on the eastern side  ìÖþÐïÌnÔíðÔ®Ðñ NeþÖt öBñ−Ìî  The king replied to him:  ,CÓñÓnÔíBñþÔôÖê
 over the 20 middle amohs of the width of that courtyard.  ,þÑ®ÖìÓíëÔìBþ ñÓL ³Bi̼֮ÐôÓêíÖnÔêó−ÌþÐNÓ¼  “You are the one who tore it up.  ,dÖ³Bê ÖzмÔþÖšíÖzÔê
 For the total width was 50 amohs  ,ëÖìÖþó−ÌMÌôÎìíÖ−ÖíÓL  You buy other paper for yourself  þÑìÔêþ−Ö−ÐòdÖñíÑòКíÖzÔê
 of which 15 amohs of the northern end were closed  ,íÖnÔê î"¬ öBõÖ®ðÔ®ÐñepÓô−Ñíö−Ìôe³Ð½e  and I will write it for her in my handwriting.”  ;−ÌðÖ−ëÖ³Ð×ÌadÖñ ëBzÐ×Óê−ÌòÎêÔî
 as well as on the southern end  ,óBþÖcÔñöÑ×Ðî  Here, too, the king is God,  ,í"ÖaÖwÔííÓïCÓñÓnÔíöÑk
 as it is said:  ,þÔôÍêÓpÓL  the maidservants are the riffraff,  ,ëÔþëÓþѼelÑê ³BìÖõÐMÔí
 “and 15 amohs of curtain for one end.” 25  :¹Ñ³ÖkÔñó−̼ÖñКíÖnÔêíÑþÐ NÓ¼LÑôÎìÔî  the bridesman is Moshe,  ,íÓLô íÓïö−ÌëÐLBMÔíÐî
 [18] The stakes.  .úÉãÀúÄé [çé]  God’s betrothed is Yisrael.  ,ñÑêÖþÐNÌ−Z í"ÖaÖwÔíñÓLB³Ö½eþÎê
 To insert them and to tie into them the ends of the drapes  ³B¼−ÌþÐ−Ôí−ÑõB½ óÓíÖa þBLКÌñÐîÔ¼BšÐ³Ìñ  Therefore it says: “Carve out for yourself.” 45  :EÐññÖ½ÐtþÔôÍêÓòCÖ×Ðñ
 into the ground,  ,±ÓþÖêÖa         [2] Be ready.  .ïBëÈð [á]
 so that they will not sway in the wind. 26  :ÔìeþÖë e¼BpÌ−êHÓL  [Meaning:] prepared.  :öÖneïÐô
 And their ropes.  .íÞÆäéÅøÀúéÞÅî  [3] No man shall go up with you.  .CÈnÄòäÆìÂòÞÇé-àG LéÄàÀå [â]
 Ropes with which to tie.  :þBLКÌñ ó−ÌñÖëÎì  Because the first ones (i.e., the First Tablets)  −ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼ ³BòBLêÌþÖí
 [19] The covering cloths—  .ãÈøÀOÇäéÅãÀâÄa [èé]  were [given] with great uproar  ³BêeLгÌëe−ÖíÓL
 with which to cover the ark, the shulchan,  ,öÖìÐñŠMÔíÐî öBþÖêÖí ³BqÔ×Ðñ  and sounds and great throngs,  ,³BlÌíКe ³BñBšÐî
 the Menorah, and the altars  ³BìÐaÐïÌnÔíÐîíÖþBòÐnÔí  they were affected by the evil eye. 6  ;íÖ¼ÖþöÌ−Ô¼öÓíÖëíÖ¬ÐñÖL
 when they had to be removed for the journeys. 27  :³B¼ÖqÔô šel−̽³Ô¼ÐLÌa  There is nothing better for you than being reserved. 7  :³e¼−ÌòÐvÔíöÌôíÓõÖ−EÐñö−Ñê

       4 Moshe had to carve them out himself as the bridesman in the parable had to supply the new paper for the marriage
 23 I.e., î−ÖðŠnÔ¼—lit. his beams; Öí−ÓòÖðÎê—lit. her sockets.  24 See Rashi Bereishis 32, 9.  25 Above, 27, 14.  26 See Rashi  contract.  5 Tanchuma 30.  6 And were eventually broken.  7 Ibid. 31.
 above, 27, 19 ³îð³− í"ð.  27 See Rashi above, 31, 10.                                                               #                                                              #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Magenta   26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:--
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