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       [535]             Shemos—Ki Sisa 33:16–18 çéYæè:âì àùú éëZúåîù                                       Shemos—Vayakhel 36:1–6  åYà:åì ìä÷éåZúåîù         [566]

                 that I have found favor in Your eyes— ·E−·Óò−ѼÐaö¥Ñì−̳ê·Ö®Öô-−ÞÌk                   all that Adonoy had commanded.” :íÞÖBíÐ−í£ÖeÌ®-þÓLÎêñÒ'×Ðñ
              I and Your people—only if You go with us, eò¢Ön̼ ¤EÐzÐ×ÓñÐaêB£ñÎíE flÓnÔ¼Ðî−¤ÌòÎê  2. Moshe called to Betzalel and to Oholiov, ›ëÖê−ÌñÏíÞÖê-ñÓêÐî ‡ñÑêÐñÔ®Ða-ñÓêí †ÓLô ê¤ÖþКÌiÔî.ë
       so that we will be distinguished—I and Your people— EÐnÔ¼Ðî−¤ÌòÎê ·eò− ·ÌñÐõÌòÐî                   and to every wise-hearted man ë flÑñ-óÔ×ÎìL−¤Ìê-ñÖk·ñÓêÐî
       from every [other] people on the face of the earth.” ô :íÞÖôÖðÎêÞÖí−'ÑòÐt-ñÔ¼þ£ÓLÎêó flÖ¼Öí-ñ·ÖkÌô    whom Adonoy had endowed í§ÖBíÐ−ö«Ô³Öòþ ¶ÓLÎê
                          Revi’i (Fourth Aliyah)   éòéáø                                                      with wisdom in his heart, B¢aÌñÐaí£ÖôÐ×Öì
                          17. Adonoy said to Moshe, í flÓLô-ñÓê ·íÒÖîíÐ−þÓôêÒ¥iÔî .ï−                    everyone whose heart moved him B flaÌñB¤êÖNÐòþ¤ÓLÎêñÒkƒ
           “I will also do this thing that you have spoken, í¢ÓNͼÞÓêÖzÐþ£ÔaÌcþ'ÓLÎêí§ÓfÔíþ'ÖëÖcÔí-³Óêó¤Ôb  SHMOT  to approach the task—to execute it. :dÞÖ³Òê³ 'NμÞÔ ñí£Ö×êÖñÐnÔí-ñÓêí'ÖëÐþÖšÐñ
                  for you have found favor in My eyes, −Ôflò−ѼÐa ·öÑìÖ³ê¥Ö®Öô-−Ìk                    3. And they took from before Moshe, í †ÓLô −¤ÑòÐõÌlÌôe„ìКÌiÔî.è
                          and I know you by name.” :óÞÑLÐa £EμÞÖðÑêÞÖî                                         all the terumah-offering ·íÖôeþÐzÔí-ñÖk³¥Ñê
                           18. He [Moshe] then said, þ¢ÔôêÒiÔî .ì−                                        which the B’nei Yisrael brought ñ †ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−¤ÑòÐa eê−‚ÌëÑíþ ¶ÓLÎê
               “Please grant me a vision of Your Glory.” :EÞÓðÒëÐk-³Óêê£Öò−Ìò'ÑêÐþÔí                       for the tasks of the holy work, LÓðÒ £wÔí³'ÔðÒëμ³Ó×ê§ÓñÐôÌñ

                                                                                                         And they continued to bring gifts í£ÖëÖðÐòðB§¼î−'ÖñÑê eê−¶ÌëÑíó…Ñ íÐî…
             that You no longer allow Your Shechinah to rest  ðB¼ EгÖò−Ì×ÐLíÓþÐLÔ³êHÓL
                          on the nations of the world. 55  ,óÖñB¼Öí ³Bneê ñÔ¼                                  each and every morning. :þÓšÒ ÞaÔaþÓšÒ'aÔa
          So that I and your people will be distinguished.  .EÀnÇòÀåéÄðÂà eðéÄìÀôÄðÀå                        4. All the wise men came— ó− flÌôÖ×Îì¤Ôí-ñÖk ·eêÒ¶ëÖiÔî.ð
                    I.e., through this 56  we will be set apart  íÓfÔíþÖëÖcÔa ó−ÌñÖcÐëeô íÓ−ÐíÌòÐîZ  who were executing all the holy tasks— LÓðÒ¢wÔí³Ó×ê¤ÓñÐô-ñÖk³£Ñêó− –ÌNÒ¼ÞÖí
                            from all other people, etc.,  ,óÖ¼ÖíñÖkÌô
                                                                                                                   each and every man L−'Ìê-L−ÞÌê
                         as in: “God (íÖñÐõÌí) distinguished  ’í íÖñÐõÌíÐîBôÐk
                                                                                                   from the task in which he was engaged. :ó−ÞÌNÒ¼íÖn'Ñí-þÓLÎêB£zÐ×êÔñÐnÌô
                       between the cattle of Israel etc.” 57  :þÑôBèÐîñÑêÖþÐNÌ−íÑòКÌôö−Ña
                                                                                                      5. They said the following to Moshe: þÒ flôêÑlí¤ÓLô-ñÓê ·eþÐôêÒÞiÔî.í
                             [17] Also this thing—  .äÆfÇäøÈáÈcÇä-úÆàíÇb [æé]
                                                                                                      “the people are bringing too much— ê−¢ÌëÖíÐñó£Ö¼Ö íó−'ÌaÐþÔô
                     that My Shechinah will no longer rest  ðB¼ −̳Öò−Ì×ÐLíÓþÐL̳êHÓL
                 upon the nations of the world—I will do. 58  ,íÓNͼÞÓêóÖñB¼Öí ³Bneê ñÔ¼                more than is needed for the tasks í flÖ×êÖñÐnÔñ ·íÖðÒëμÞÖí−¥ÑcÌô
             But the [prophetical] words of Bilaam were not  óÖ¼ÐñÌañÓLî−ÖþÖëÐcö−ÑêÐî           which Adonoy has commanded to execute.” :dÞÖ³Òê³ 'NμÞÔñí£ÖBíÐ−í'ÖeÌ®-þÓLÎê
           by means of the resting of the Shechinah [on him],  ,íÖò−Ì×ÐL³−ÔiÌþÐL−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼
                                                                                                               6. Moshe commanded— í †ÓLô î¤Ô®Ð−Ôî.î
                     but, rather, “when fallen (i.e., asleep)  ñÑõBò,, êÖlÓê
                                                                                           and they proclaimed throughout the encampment ‡íÓòÎìÞÔnÔañB'š eþ−¶ÌëμÞÔiÔî
                        but with the eyes uncovered.” 59  ,"óÌ−Öò−Ѽ −eñÐèe
              For example: 60  “To me a word was stolen” —  ëÖpeèÐ−þÖëÖc−ÔñÑêÐî öBèÐk                                        saying, ›þÒôêÑñ
              they (the prophets of the other nations) heard  ö−̼ÐôBL                       “Let no man or woman bring any more material í£Ö×êÖñÐôðB§¼-eNμÞÔ−-ñÔêí †ÖMÌêÐîL−¤Ìê
                             through an intermediary.  :Ôì−ÌñÖL−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼                                         for the sacred offering.” LÓðÒ¢wÔí³¤ÔôeþгÌñ
                         [18] He (Moshe) then said.  øÇîàÉiÇå [çé]
              “Please grant me a vision of Your Glory.” 62  .EÞÆãÉáÀk-úÆààÈðéÄðÅàÀøÇä
       55 Bereishis 7a.  56 I.e., through Your resting Your Shechina exclusively amongst us.  57 Above, 9, 4.  58 Rashi  [5] More than enough for the work.  .äÈãÉáÂòÞÈäéÅcÄî [ä]
       now anticipates the reader’s question: But, did not God rest His Shechinah on one of the nations of the world, viz.,  [Meaning:] more than what was needed for the work. 1  :íÖðBëμÖíCÓþB® −ÑðÐkÌôþѳB−
       Bilaam, with whom He conversed?!  59 Bamidbar 24, 4.  60 I.e., an illustration of how prophecy reaches one of
       the nations of the world.  61 Iyov 4, 12. I.e., the word was smuggled to me stealthily.  62 How does this request
       of Moshe follow the above? (G.A.)
                                                                                          1 The ’ô prefix of −ÑcÌô has the meaning “more than.”

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