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[557] Shemos—Vayakhel 35:1–3 âYà:äì ìä÷éåZúåîù Shemos—Ki Sisa 34:9–11 àéYè:ãì àùú éëZúåîù [544] # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-E
VAYAKHEL ìä÷éå and take us as Your own possession.” :eòÞÖzÐñÔìÐòe
35 1. Moshe assembled í †ÓLô ñ¤ÑíКÔiÔî.ê äì Shishi (Sixth Aliyah) éùù
10. And He said, “I hereby make a covenant; ›³−ÌþÐa³¤ÑþÒk ‡−Ì×ÒòÞÖêí¤ÑpÌíþÓôêÕ†iÔî.−
the entire congregation of the B’nei Yisrael, ñ£ÑêÖþÐNÌ−−'ÑòÐa³§Ôðμ-ñÖk-³Óê
before all your people I will perform wonders ³Ò flêÖñÐõÌòí¤ÓNͼÞÓê ·EÐnÔ¼-ñÖkðÓè¥Óò
and said to them, ó¢ÓíÑñÎêþÓôêÒ¤iÔî
“These are the words ó− flÌþÖëÐcÔííÓlÑêƒ such as have not been created e'êÐþÐëÌò-ê ÞGþ§ÓLÎê
in all the earth or for any nation; ó¢Ì−BbÔí-ñÖ×Ðëe ±Óþ£ÖêÖí-ñÖ×Ðë
that Adonoy has commanded you to do. :óÞÖ³Òê³ 'NμÞÔñí£ÖBíÐ−í'ÖeÌ®-þÓLÎê
and all the people in whose midst you are, will see B•aÐþÌšÐëí·ÖzÔê-þÓLÎêó…Ö¼Öí…-ñÖ×í¤ÖêÖþÐî
2. Work may be done six days, ›íÖ×êÖñÐôí¤ÓNÖ¼ÞÑz ‡ó−ÌôÖ−³ÓL¤ÑL.ë
how awesome is the deed of Adonoy êe flíê¤ÖþBò-−ÞÌk ·íÒÖîíÐ−í¥ÑNμÞÔô-³Óê
but the seventh day must be holy to you, LÓðÒ§šó'Ó×Öñí¶Ó−ÐíÌ−− †Ì¼−ÌëÐMÔíóB¤iÔ ëe
which I will perform for you. :CÞÖn̼í'ÓNÒ¼−£ÌòÎêþ'ÓLÎê
it is a Shabbos of Shabbos to Adonoy. í¢ÖBí−ÞÔñöB£³ÖaÔL³'ÔaÔL
11. Preserve for your own sake EÐñ-þ·ÖôÐL .ê−
Whoever does work on it shall be put to death. :³ÞÖôe− í£Ö×êÖñÐôB§ëí'ÓNÒ¼ÞÖí-ñÖk
that which I command you today. óB¢iÔí ¤EÐeÔ®Ðô−£Ì×ÒòÞÖêþ'ÓLÎ곧Ñê
3. You must not kindle a fire L flÑêe¤þμÞÔëг-ê ÞG.è
I am driving out [from] before you E−†ÓòÖtÌôL¤ÑþÒè−«ÌòÐòÌí
[1] And Moshe assembled— äÆLî ìÅäÀ÷ÇiÇå
on the day following Yom Kippur ó−ÌþetÌkÔí óB− ³ÔþÏìÖôÐñ You will [nevertheless] forgive our iniquity, etc. .’BèÐî eò−ÑòBμÔñìÔñн̳íÖzÔê
when he came down from the mountain. 1 ,þÖíÖíöÌôðÔþÖiÓLÐk There are places where −Ìk is used in place of óÌê. 29 :"óÌê,, óBšÐôÌa"−Ìk,, LÑ−
It (ñÑíКÔiÔî) is in the causative form, 2 ,ñ−̼ÐõÌí öBLÐñ êeíÐî And take us as Your own possession. .eðÞÈzÀìÇçÀðe
for one does not assemble people, literally, ó−ÌLÖòÎê¹Ñ½Bê Bò−ÑêÓL Take us to Yourself as a special possession. 30 ,³ÓðÓìe−ÐôíÖñÎìÔòÐñEÐñeòÑòÐz̳Ðî
with one’s hands ,óÌ−ÔðÖiÔa This is the same request as: ³ÔLÖwÔaê−ÌíBï
but, rather, they are “caused to be assembled” ö−ÌõÖ½ÍêÓòöÑíêÖlÓê “so that I and Your people will be distinguished,” 31 Z"EÐnÔ¼Ðî−ÌòÎê eò−ÌñÐõÌòÐî,,
by means of his saying so. ,BþeaÌð−ÌtñÔ¼ that You not rest Your Shechinah EгÖò−Ì×ÐLíÓþÐLÔ³êHÓL
The correct version of this in Onkelos is: L−ÌòÐ×ÔêÐî— 3 :L−ÌòÐ×ÔêÐî BôebÐþÔ³Ðî on the nations of the world. :³BneêÖíñÔ¼
“He caused that they assemble.” [10] I hereby make a covenant— .úéÄøÀaúÅøÉk [é]
[2] Six days. 4 .íéÄîÈéúÆLÅL [á] on this [request of EÐôÔ¼Ðî−ÌòÎê eò−ÌlÐõÌòÐî]. 32 :³êÒïñÔ¼
He first admonished them concerning Shabbos ³ÖaÔL³ÔþÖíÐïÔêóÓíÖñó−ÌcКÌí
I will perform wonders. .úÉàÈìÀôÄðäÆNÁòÞÆà
before commanding them about the works of the mishkon, ,öÖkÐLÌnÔí³Ó×êÓñÐô −eeÌ®Ðñ
[³BêÖñÐõÌò] has a common derivation with eò−ÌñÐõÌòÐî, 33 ,"eò−ÌñÐõÌòÐî,, öBLÐñ
saying, in effect, that it does not supercede the Shabbos. 5 :³ÖaÔMÔí³ÓêíÖìBð dÖò−ÑêÓLþÔôBñ
that is: that you will be set apart in this respect BïÐa ó−ÌñÖcÐëeô e−ÐíÌzÓL
[3] You must not kindle a fire. 6 .LÅàeøÂòÞÇáÀú-à ÞG [â] from all the nations of the world ,³BneêÖíñÖkÌô
Some of our Sages say: ó−ÌþÐôBê eò−ѳBaÔþÑôLÑ− —that I will not rest My Shechinah on them. :óÓí−Ññμ−̳Öò−Ì×ÐLíÓþÐL̳êHÓL
[11] The Emorites, etc. 34 .'åâå éÄøÉîÁàÞÈä-úÆà [àé]
There are six nations enumerated here ,öêÖkLÑ− ³BnŠê’î
1 Rashi bases this on 1. This refers back to 34, 29 −Ôò−̽þÔíÑôíÓLô ³ÓðÓþÐë−ÌíÐ−Ôî—“And when Moshe came down from Mount
Sinai,” then íÓLô ñÑíКÔiÔî—“Moshe assembled.” (M.), 2. Since he assembled them to collect the gold for the mishkon, because the Girgashites arose ðÔôÖ¼−ÌLÖbÐþÌbÔí−Ìk
the gold being an atonement for the sin of the Golden Calf, he most likely did this immediately after they were and cleared out from before them. 35 :óÓí−ÑòÐtÌôíÖòÖõe
forgiven, viz., the day after Yom Kippur. (G.A.) 2 The ñÔš would have been ñÔíКÌ−Ôî and it would mean he assembled
directly, with his own hands. (S.H.) 3 Not as some have it: LÔòÐ×e which means: he [literally] assembled [with his 29 E.g., Bereishis 43, 7; Bamidbar 20, 5. 30 By resting Your Shechinah only among us. 31 Above, 33, 16. See
hands]. (N.Y.) 4 If the purpose of assembling was to collect the mishkon contributions, why the interruption of Rashi ibid. 32 . . . as the verse goes on to say: ³BêÖñÐõÌòíÓNͼÓêEÐôÔ¼ñÖkðÓèÓò. See previous and next Rashi. 33 eò−ÌñÐõÌòÐî—“we
Shabbos here? 5 Mechilta. 6 Kindling a fire is only one of the 39 major labors of Shabbos. Why is it singled out will be distinguished.” 34 See Rashi above, 33, 2. 35 Vayik. Rab. 17, 6.
to be mentioned?! # 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 18 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:48 | SR:--