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       [75]     #26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 3 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Yellow 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 3 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Magenta 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 3 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Cyan 26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 3 - A | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-- | Black   #26015-
                                                                                                             Shemos—Va’eira 6:23–26 åëYâë:å àøàåZúåîù
                          Shemos—Va’eira 7:22–25 äëYáë:æ àøàåZúåîù
                 22. The sorcerers of Egypt did likewise óÌ−£ÔþЮÌô−'ÑnŠ¬ÐþÔìö§Ñ×-eNμÞÔiÔî .ë×               23. Aharon took Elisheva, ¼Ôë«ÓL−ÌñÍê-³ÓêöÕ•þÎíÞÔêì·ÔwÌiÔî .è×
                               with their magic art. ó¢Óí−ѬÞÖñÐa                                daughter of Aminadav, sister of Nachshon, öB £LÐìÔò³B'ìÎêë§ÖðÖò−ÞÌnÔ¼-³Ôa
                   Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened ·íÒ¼ÐþÔt-ëÑñš¥ÔïÍìÞÓiÔî                           for a wife, and she bore him Nadav, ·ëÖðÖò-³ÓêB †ñðÓñ¤ÑzÔîí¢ÖMÌêÐñB¤ñ
                        and he did not listen to them, ó flÓíÑñÎ꼤ÔôÖL-ê ÞGÐî                                 Avihu, Elazar and Isamar. :þÞÖôÖ³−ÞÌê-³ÓêÐîþ£ÖïÖ¼ÐñÓê-³Óêêe flí−ÌëÎê-³ÓêÐî
                          just as Adonoy had spoken. :íÒÞÖîíÐ−þ'ÓaÌcþ£ÓLÎêÞÔk              24. The sons of Korach: Assir, Elkanah and Aviasaf. ¹¢Ö½Öê−ÞÌëÎêÞÔîí£ÖòÖšÐñÓêÐîþ−'ÌqÔ êìÔþÒ flš−¤ÑòÐëe .ð×
            23. Pharaoh turned and went into his house, B¢³−Ña-ñÓêêÒ£ëÖiÔîíÒ fl¼ÐþÔtöÓõ¤ÌiÔî .è×    These are the families of the Korachites. :−ÞÌìÐþÖwÔí³Ò'ìÐtÐLÌôíÓl£Ñê
             and paid no attention even to this [miracle]. :³êÒÞïÖñ-óÔbB£ aÌñ³'ÖL-êGÐî           25. Elazar, son of Aharon took, for himself B ·ñ-ìÔšÞÖñöÕ•þÎíÞÔê-öÓaþ·ÖïÖ¼ÐñÓêÐî .í×
                24. The Egyptians dug around the river þÒ£êÐ−Ôí³Ò'ë−ÌëнóÌ−§ÔþЮÌô-ñÖ×e«þÐtÐìÔiÔî .ð×  one of the daughters of Putieil, for a wife, í flÖMÌêÐñB¤ñ·ñÑê−̬e Þt³B¥òÐaÌô
                                 for water to drink, ³B¢zÐLÌñóÌ−¤Ôô                                           and she bore him Pinchas. ½¢ÖìÐò−ÞÌt-³ÓêB£ñðÓñ'ÑzÔî
       for they could not drink from the waters of the river. :þÒ ÞêÐ−Ôí−£Ñô−ÑnÌô³Ò flzÐLÌñ ·eñÐ×ÞÖ−ê¥G−¤Ìk  These are the heads of the Levites’ patriarchs óÌ£iÌîÐñÞÔí³B'ëÎê−§ÑLêÖþíÓl †Ñê
                         25. Seven full days [passed] ó−¢ÌôÖ−³¤Ô¼ÐëÌLê£ÑñÖnÌiÔî .í×                           according to their families. :óÞÖ³ÒìÐtÐLÌôÐñ
                                                                                               26. This is [the lineage of] Aharon and Moshe í¢ÓLôe öÒ£þÎíÞÔêêe'í .î×
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                          [22] With their magic art.  .íÆäéÅèÞÈìÀa [áë]
                    [óÓí−ѬÖñÐa refers to a] magical incantation  LÔìÔñ                                      [23] Sister of Nachshon. 65  .ïBLÀçÇð úBçÂà [âë]
           which is said (¬ÖñÔa) secretly and in a (LÔìÔñ) whisper.  .−êÔLÎìÔëe ¬ÖlÔa B³Bê ö−ÌþÐôBêÓL               From here we learn  ,eòÐðÔôÖñöêÖkÌô
            Our Sages say: 27  óÓí−ѬÖñÐa refers to works of demons,  ,ó−ÌðÑLíÑNμÔôóÓí−ѬÖñÐa ,eþÐôÖê eò−ѳBaÔþÐî  that one [who contemplates] marrying a woman  íÖMÌêêÑNBpÔí
                whereas óÓí−ѬÎíÔñÐa (v. 11) refers to witchcraft.  ó−ÌõÖLÐ×íÑNμÔôóÓí−ѬÎíÔñÐa         should [first] investigate her brothers.  Ö í−ÓìÔêÐa šBcÐëÌñC−ÌþÖ®
                 Pharaoh’s heart remained hardened—  .äÉòÀøÇt-áÅì÷ÇæÁçÞÆiÇå                         [25] One of the daughters of Putiel. 66  .ìÅàéÄèe Þt úBðÀaÄî [äë]
          by claiming, “You are doing this through witchcraft,  ;öÑkó−ÌNB¼ óÓzÔê ³eõÐMÔ×Ðô−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼þÔôBñ  [He was] of the descendants of Yisro  BþгÌ−¼ÔþÓfÌô
                    you are importing straw to Efarayim—  ,"ó−Ì−ÔþÐõÖ¼Ðñö−̽−ÌòÐ×ÔôóÓzÔêöÓëÓz,,      who [at one time] fattened (óÑhÌt) 67  calves  ó−ÌñÖèμóÑhÌtÓL
                            a city that is full of straw, 28  ,öÓëÓzdÖñŠkÓLþ−̼                            [for use as] idolatrous [sacrifices],  ,íÖþÖïíÖðBëμÔñ
                  you, too, are bringing witchcraft to Egypt  óÌ−ÔþЮÌôÐñ ³eõÐMÔ×Ðôö−Ìê−ÌëÐôóÓzÔê¹Ôê       and of the descendants of Yoseif,  ¹Ñ½B− ¼ÔþÓfÌôe
                           which is full of witchcraft.” 29  :ó−ÌõÖLÐ kdÖlekÓL              who showed contempt (¬ÑtЬÌt) 68  for his evil inclination.  BþЮÌ−Ða¬ÑtЬÌtÓL
                                [23] Even to this.  .úàÉÞæÈì-íÇb [âë]                       [26] This is [the lineage of] Aharon and Moshe.  .äÆLîe ïÉøÂäÞÇà àeä [åë]
                    [I.e., neither] to the wonder of the rod  íÓhÔnÔí³ÑõBôÐñ              The same ones about whom it is mentioned above (v. 20)  ,íÖñмÔôÐñeþÐkÐïeíÓ¾elÑê
                            that turned into a serpent,  ,ö−ÌpÔ³ÐñCÔtÐíÓpÓL                                  that Yocheved bore to Amram.  :óÖþÐôÔ¼ÐñðÓëÓ×B− íÖðÐñÖiÓL
                     neither to this [wonder] of the blood.  :óÖcñÓLíÓïÖñêGÐî
                                                                                                 This is [the lineage of] Aharon and Moshe.  .'ä øÇîÈàøÆLÂàäÆLîe ïÉøÂäÞÇà àeä
                      [25] [Seven] full [days passed].  .àÅìÈnÄiÇå [äë]                                                There are places  ³BôBšÐôLÑ−
                   [êÑñÖnÌ−Ôî refers to] the number of seven days  ,ó−ÌôÖ−³Ô¼ÐëÌLöÔ−ÐòÌô        where [the Torah] sets Aharon ahead of Moshe,  íÓLôÐñöÒþÎíÔêó−ÌcКÔnÓL
          that the river did not revert to its original condition.  ,B³eôÐðÔšÐñ þBêÐ−ÔíëÖLêHÓL                      and there are places  ³BôBšÐôLÑ−Ðî
          For each plague functioned for a quarter of a month,  ,LÓðBì Ô¼−ÌëÐþ³ÓLÓnÔLÐôíÖkÔnÔííÖ³Ð−ÖíÓL  where it sets Moshe ahead of Aharon, 69  ,öÒþÎíÔêÐñíÓLô ó−ÌcКÔnÓL
                      and for three quarters [of a month]  ó−ÌšÖñÎì ’èî                                   to tell you that they were equal. 70  :ðÖìÓêÐk ö−ÌñešÐMÓLþÔôBñ
                      he would caution and warn them. 30  óÓíÖëíÓþгÔôe ð−̼ÑôíÖ−Öí
                                                                                          65 Once we are told that she was the daughter of Aminidav, do we not know that she was Nachshon’s sister?!
       27 Sanhedrin 67b; Sh. Rab. 9, 11  28 . . . or, in modern terms: “You are bringing coals to Newcastle.”  29 Menachos  (Bava Kamma 110a).  66 Why was he so called?  67 Hence ñÑê−̬et, from óÑhÌt.  68 ñÑê−̬et, from ¬ÑtЬÌt.  69 As in the
       85a.  30 Sh. Rab. 9, 12.                                                           following verse.  70 Mechilta 12, 1.
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