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[81]               Shemos—Va’eira 8:12–15 åèYáé:ç àøàåZúåîù                                           Shemos—Va’eira 6:10–11 àéYé:å àøàåZúåîù           [60]

                      and strike the dust of the earth; ±Óþ¢ÖêÖíþ¤Ôõμ-³ÓêC£ÔíÐî                       10. Adonoy spoke to Moshe saying, :þÒ ÞôêÑlí'ÓLô-ñÓêíÒ£ÖîíÐ−þ'ÑaÔðÐ−Ôî.−
                             and it will turn into lice ó£ÌpÌ×Ðñí'Ö−ÖíÐî                        11. “Come, speak to Pharaoh, king of Egypt, óÌ−¢ÖþЮÌôCÓñ¤ÓôíÒ¼£ÐþÔt-ñÓêþ flÑaÔcêÒ¤a .ê−
                  throughout the whole land of Egypt.” :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'Óê-ñÖ×Ða
                                                                                                      AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA RASHI  é"ùø AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                   13. They did so. ö†Ñ×-eNμÞÔiÔî .è−
                Aharon extended his hand with his rod ·eí·ÑhÔôÐaBð¥Ö−-³ÓêöÒ·þÎíÞÔê »¬ÑiÔî                                in this Parsha  Bï íÖLÖþÖõÐë
                      and struck the dust of the earth, ±Óþ flÖêÖíþ¤Ôõμ-³Óê ·CÔiÔî                      from Rabbi Baruch b. Rabbi Eliezer 24  ,þÓïÓ¼−ÌñÍê−ÌaÔþÐa CeþÖa−ÌaÔþÑô
                  and there was lice on man and beast. í¢ÖôÑíÐaÔëe ó£ÖðÖêÞÖaóflÖpÌkÔ í ·−ÌíÐzÔî  and he brought me proof from the following verse:  ,íÓïêÖþКÌnÌôíÖ−ÖêÐþ−Ìñê−ÌëÑíÐî
                                                                                                       “This time I will make known to them  óѼ−ÌðBê ³êÒfÔíóÔ¼ÔtÔa
                All the dust of the earth turned into lice ó−£ÌpÌ×í'Ö−Öí±Óþ§ÖêÖíþ'Ôõμ-ñÖk
                                                                                                                 My hand and My might  −̳ÖþeëÐb³ÓêÐî−ÌðÖ−³Óê
                  throughout the whole land of Egypt. :óÌ−ÞÖþЮÌô±Óþ'Óê-ñÖ×Ða
                                                                                              so that they will know that My Name is Adonoy.” 25  ’í −ÌôÐL−Ìke¼ÐðÖ−Ðî
        14. The sorcerers did likewise with their magic art. ó§Óí−ѬÞÖñÐaó−«ÌnŠ¬ÐþÔìÞÔíö·Ñ×-eNμÞÔiÔî .ð−  We learn [from this] that when God  í"ÖaÖwÔíÓLÐk ,eòÖðÐnÌñ
          They tried to bring forth lice but they could not, eñ¢Ò×Ö−ê¤GÐîó−£ÌpÌkÔí-³Óêê−'Ì®BíÐñ  fulfills His words even where punishment is involved,  ,³eòÖ¼ÐþeõÐñ eñ−ÌõÎêî−ÖþÖëÐc³ÓêöÑnÔêÐô
                 and there were lice on man and beast. :íÞÖôÑíÐaÔëe ó£ÖðÖêÞÖaóflÖpÌkÔí ·−Ì íÐzÔî   He lets it be known that His Name is Adonoy.  ,’í BôÐMÓLÔ¼−ÌðBô
                                                                                                                   This is all the more so  öÑkÓLñÖ×Ðî
                     15. The sorcerers said to Pharaoh, íÒ fl¼ÐþÔt-ñÓê ·óÌnŠ¬ÐþÔìÞÔíe¥þÐôêÒÞiÔî .î¬
                                                                                                  when it is a fulfillment of reward [promised].  .íÖëB¬ÐñíÖòÖôÎêÔí
                        “This is the finger of Elohim;” êî¢Ìíó−£ÌíGÍê¼'ÔaЮÓê
                                                                                                          The Sages, 26  however, explained it  eíeLÖþÐð eò−ѳBaÔþÐî
                                                                                                     as referring to what is discussed earlier—  ,íÖñÐ ¼ÔôñÓLöÖ−Ðò̼Öñ
                                                                                                                       God said to him,  í"ÖaÖwÔíBñþÔôÖê
                              because it protected him  î−ÖñÖ¼ö−ÌèÑíÓL−ÌõÐñ
                                                                                          “Woe for those who are gone 27  and cannot be replaced!”  Zö−ÌìÐkÔzÐLÌôêÖñÐîö−ÌðÐëÖêÐcñÔ¼ñÔëÎì
                           when he killed the Egyptian  −ÌþЮÌnÔí³ÓêèÔþÖíÓLÐk
                                                                                                I have reason to mourn the deaths of the Fathers  ,³BëÖêÖí³Ô³−ÌôñÔ¼öÑòBêгÌíÐñ−ÌñLÓ−
                             and hid him in the sand 18  ,ñBìÔaeíÑòÐôЬÌiÔî
                                                                                                    [for] many times I revealed Myself to them  óÓí−ÑñÎê−̳−ÑñÐèÌòó−ÌôÖ¼ÐõíÑaÐþÔí
                    and was [instead] struck by Aharon. 19  .öÒþÎíÔê−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼íÖšÖñÐî                            with [the Name] El Shaddai  −ÔcÔLñÑêÐa
                 [13] And there was lice (lit. louse). 20  .íÈpÄkÇäéÄäÀzÇå [âé]                  and they [never] said, “What is Your Name?” 28  ,EÓôÐMíÔô−ÌñeþÐôÖêêGÐî
                        [óÖòÌkÔí refers to] the swarm of lice.  ,íÖL−ÌìÐþÖí                  But, you said, “[‘Should they ask] what is His Name,  BôÐMíÔôÖzÐþÔôÖêíÖzÔêÐî
                  Pedoliere in Old French—swarming lice. 21  :ïÔ¼ÔñÐa ê"þ−ñîðõ                                what shall I tell them?’”...  óÓíÑñÎêþÔôÒêíÖô
                          [14] To bring forth lice. 22  .íéÄpÄkÇä-úÆààéÄöBäÀì [ãé]                    ...I also established, etc. (v. 4) . . . 29  .'åâå éÄúÉîÄ÷ÇäíÇâÀ å
                 [Meaning] to create them from elsewhere.  .þÑìÔê óBšÖnÌôóÖ³îêÒþÐëÌñ                And when Avraham sought to bury Sarah,  íÖþÖN³Óê þBaКÌñóÖíÖþÐëÔêLÑwÌaÓLÐ×e
                              But they could not—  .eìÉëÈéàGÀå                                                     he could not find land  þÓëÓšêÖ®ÖôêG
              because a demon has no power over a creature  íÖiÌþÐañÔ¼¬ÑñBL ðÑMÔíö−ÑêÓL               until he had to buy it at great expense. 30  ,ó−ÌaeþÐôó−ÌôÖðÐëíÖòÖwÓLðÔ¼
                         that is smaller than barley. 23 24  íÖþB¼ÐNÌkÌôíÖ³eìÐõ                             Similarly, concerning Yitzchok,  šÖìЮÌ−ÐaöÑ×Ðî
                   [15] “This is the finger of Elohim.”  .àéÄäíéÄäGÁàòÇaÀöÆà [åè]                             there was opposition to him  î−ÖñÖ¼eþμÐþ̼
       [I.e.,] this plague was not brought about by witchcraft—  ,ó−ÌõÖLÐ×−ÑðÐ−ñÔ¼dÖò−ÑêBïíÖkÔô         on account of the wells that he dug. 31  ,þÔõÖìþÓLÎê ³BþÑêÐaÔíñÔ¼
                                     it is from God.  .ê−Ìí óBšÖnÔí³ÑêÑô                           Similarly, concerning Yaakov, [it is written:]  ëҚμÔ−ÐaöÑ×Ðî
                                                                                          24 A contemporary of Rashi’s. This is the only mention of him in Rashi’s vast writings.  25 Yirmiyahu 16, 21.
       18 Above 2, 12.  19 Sh. Rab. 10, 7.  20 Why the singular form?  21 See above V. 2.  22 1) ê−Ì®BíÐñ, here, does not  26 Sanhedrin 111a, Sh. Rab. 6, 14.  27 I.e., the Fathers.  28 I.e., They did not demand to know My true being.” See
       mean to remove (G.A.). 2) The dust all turned to lice. Then from where would they get lice? (B.Y.) 3. How could they  Gur Aryeh, above 3, 12.  29 What follows are examples of situations where it would have been understandable
       show that their lice were not just an offshoot of the earlier lice? (G.A.)  23 See Rashi above 7, 22. As for the reason  had the Fathers questioned God’s actions.  30 This, despite the fact that the land was promised to him and his
       why creatures that small are not put under demonic influence, see Gur Aryeh.  24 Sh. Rab. 10, 7; Sanhedrin 67b.  descendants. See Bereishis 23.  31 See Bereishis 26, 15.                         #                                                             #  26015-EYAL - 26015-SHMOT-EYAL | 3 - B | 18-07-18 | 09:55:43 | SR:-
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