Page 54 - ISU Echague LUDIP
P. 54

STRENGTHS                                           WEAKNESSES                                          OPPORTUNITIES                                         THREATS

                                                                                                                      Use of alternative source of                          Retrofitting of existing facilities

              The general one-story design                                                                            energy in the campus buildings                        entails additional expenses.

              of academic buildings allow for                                                                                                                               Initial cost of equipment and
              easier renovation and repairs                                                                                                                                 materials is expensive.

              Large fertile and highly                                                                                The development in R&D and                            Downward trend of enrolment
              productive areas for                                                                                    technology especially in priority                     and workforce  in the agricultural

              Agriculture and related fields                                                                          research areas in                                     sector vis a vis the upward trend

              as potential sources of internal                                                                        agriculture can put additional                        in the service and  knowledge

              generated revenues for capital                                                                          value to the region’s produce                         sectors

              development                                                                                             and improve the
                                                                                                                      competitiveness and
                                                                                                                      productivity of agro- industries

              Concentrated location allows

              for easier reclassification of                                                                          Design of disaster-resilient

              academic buildings by type of                                                                           housing, buildings, facilities and

              use                                                                                                     communities

              Use of alternative sources of
              energy research and

              technologies developed by the

              Climate Change Center-

              Education, Research and
              Development (CCC-ERD)

                                                                                                           ISABELA STATE                                Land Use Development and                                 SWOT
                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY                                     Infrastructure Plan                                ANALYSIS
                                                                                                                                                                 Main campus

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