Page 53 - ISU Echague LUDIP
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STRENGTHS                                                    WEAKNESSES                                        OPPORTUNITIES                                       THREATS

            ISU has a premier position as the  R&D budget and                                                              The development in R&D                              Flooding and siltation

            leading institution of higher                                expenditure of the region is  and technology especially in                                            because of location near a

            learning in the Cagayan Valle                                very low  due to                                  priority research areas in                          major river system

            Region                                                       competition and low                               Agriculture can put additional
                                                                         national government                               value to the region’s produce

                                                                         support                                           and improve the

                                                                                                                           competitiveness and

                                                                                                                           productivity of the industries.

            Leading position as a Research                               Isabela and Echague are                           Design of disaster-resilient                        Political rivalry in regional and

            and Development Center                                       prone to both geological                          communities as showcases                            local politics affecting

            regionally and nationally in                                 and hydro-meteorological                          for disaster rehabilitation and  university administration and

            agriculture, agro-tech, climate                              hazards including                                 risk management                                     operations

            change, alternative energy                                   vulnerability to typhoon and

            sources and Agricultural related                             flooding AND extreme
            fields                                                       climate conditions like


            Large areas for development and  Large number of buildings                                                     Potentials for large revenue

            prime properties particularly                                and facilities in need of                         generation and mobilization

            along the Philippine-japan                                   major renovation and                              through the development of

            Friendship Highway                                           repairs                                           idle land assets in
                                                                                                                           partnership with the private


                                                                         Low Resource Generation

                                                                         from revenue generating

                                                                         business enterprises

                                                                                                           ISABELA STATE                                Land Use Development and                                 SWOT
                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY                                     Infrastructure Plan                                ANALYSIS
                                                                                                                                                                 Main campus

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