Page 50 - ISU Echague LUDIP
P. 50


            Storm Drainage

                                                                                                    CREATIVE USE OF BIOWALES,
            Most roads are not provided with proper drainage                                     PERMEABLE PAVING, SILVA CELLS
            systems. With the unpredictable weather in the                                     AND VARIOUS OTHER STORM WATER

            country, heavy downpour may cause some                                                  MANAGEMENT ELEMETS CAN
            flooding in the said areas. It is highly                                           CREATE A PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT
            recommended to have a storm drainage system                                              FOR THE COMMUNITY WHILE

            that complies with the national standards and                                      IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF STORM
            incorporates Low Impact Development (LID)                                                         WATER RUNOFF

            elements to meet the campus sustainable goals of
            storm water management.

            Storm drain system improvements shall be
            designed in conformance with the applicable

            country Storm Drainage Design Standards.
            Developers within the campus shall design
            projects to optimize run-off capture and treatment

            by incorporating features such as bioswales,
            infiltration areas, vegetated filter strips, porous

            paving and rain gardens that enhance storm water
            infiltration and reduce peak run-off that would be
            interconnected with the rain water harvesting

            system in the campus.

            In addition, the university shall explore the
            potential to implement a ‘green’ streets program
            that incorporates storm water management

            features in the design of streetscape, walkways
            and pathways in order to improve the quality of

            storm water runoff that enters the campus and
            prevent the possible flooding in the area.

                                                                                                           ISABELA STATE                                Land Use Development and                          ASSESSMENT ON
                                                                                                             UNIVERSITY                                     Infrastructure Plan                          STORM DRAINAGE
                                                                                                                                                                 Main campus                                    SYSTEM

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