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November 2, 2017
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Truck Attack Suspect Charged with Terrorism Offenses
Associated Press
NEW YORK (AP) — Federal
prosecutors brought ter-
rorism charges Wednes-
day against the Uzbek im-
migrant accused in the
truck rampage that left
eight people dead, say-
ing he was spurred to at-
tack by the Islamic State
group’s online calls to ac-
tion and picked Halloween
because he knew more
people would be out on
the streets.
The charges against
29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov
could bring the death pen-
Even as he lay wounded
in the hospital from po-
lice gunfire, Saipov asked
to display the ISIS flag in
his room and said “he felt
good about what he had
done,” prosecutors said
in court papers as Saipov
was brought to court in New York Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill speaks during a news conference, Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2017, at One Police Plaza
a wheelchair to face the in New York in the wake of a truck attack on a bike path that killed eight and injured several others Tuesday near One World Trade
charges. Meanwhile, the Center. From left are New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, O’Neill, Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence & Counter-terrorism John
FBI said it wanted to ques- Miller, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
tion a second Uzbek — (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)
32-year-old Mukhammad- charged with providing videos and 3,800 photos on English, that included Is- he had been inspired by ISIS
zoir Kadirov — and had material support to a terror- one of his two cellphones, lamic religious references videos that he watched on
found him. ist group and committing many of them ISIS-related and said, “Islamic Suppli- his cellphone and began
Saipov, accused of driving violence and destruction pieces of propaganda, in- cation. It will endure” — “it plotting an attack about a
the rented Home Depot of motor vehicles, resulting cluding images of prisoners will endure” is phrase that year ago, deciding to use
pickup truck that barreled in death. His lawyers did not being beheaded, shot or commonly refers to ISIS, FBI a truck about two months
down a bike path near immediately return a mes- run over by a tank. agent Amber Tyree said in ago, Tyree said.
the World Trade Center sage seeking comment. Saipov left behind knives court papers.Questioned in
memorial on Tuesday, was Prosecutors said he had 90 and a note, in Arabic and his hospital bed, Saipov said Continued on Page 5
House GOP Scrambles to Finalize Tax Bill Despite Opposition
By MARCY GORDON mors that the unveiling might be tax rates for businesses in hopes repealing the individual mandate
ANDREW TAYLOR further delayed. The ambitious of improving U.S. economic com- has been pushed by Republican
Associated Press timetable calls for passing the petitiveness. Tax rates for individu- Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, but
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Re- measure in the House by Thanks- als would be trimmed as well. was dismissed by key GOP leaders
publicans on Wednesday scram- giving. “Failure is not an option,” President Donald Trump weighed since it would add political com-
bled to finalize the first major tax said Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y. in Wednesday on Twitter: plications to an already difficult
overhaul in three decades amid The emerging plan would retain “Wouldn’t it be great to Repeal task of crafting a tax bill that can
opposition from GOP lawmakers the income tax rate for the wealth- the very unfair and unpopular In- pass the House and Senate.
fearful about constituents losing a iest earners. But for that highest dividual Mandate in ObamaCare “I think tax reform is complicated
cherished deduction for state and bracket, the tax writers were con- and use those savings for further enough without adding another
local taxes. sidering raising the minimum level Tax Cuts for the Middle Class. The layer of complexity,” said No. 2
Top Republicans vowed to release of income to $1 million from the House and Senate should con- Senate Republican John Cornyn
the measure on Thursday after current $470,000 — a change that sider ASAP as the process of final of Texas.
missing a self-imposed Wednes- would reduce tax revenue. approval moves along. Push Big-
day deadline and dismissed ru- The plan also would sharply cut gest Tax Cuts EVER.” The idea of Continued on Page 3