Page 1 - TWIMS Posters 2023
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INTRODUCING THE TOYOTA 1. TWIMS O erings 3. Delivering the Curriculum: Academic Faculty
Figure 1: TWIMS Formal and Non-Formal Academic sector. The programme is designed to enable at TWIMS
WESSELS INSTITUTE FOR strategic leadership and implementation skills TWIMS has eight faculty members with four PhDs and eight masters degrees between them. While the
manufacturing executives to develop both the
Programmes between ITA, OCC, and OA.
required to lead a business, while deepening of
GIBS PGDip, MBA, PhD their understanding of the manufacturing specific faculty have specialist expertise in the areas outlined in the manufacturing curriculum framework, the
challenges they will face in their roles within the
(Manufacturing Focus) manufacturing ecosystem. TWIMS faculty, working focus area that the team shares responsibility for is to support the development of the next
MANUFACTURING STUDIES TWIMS Executive collaboratively with GIBS faculty, deliver the generation of manufacturing leaders in Africa.
manufacturing-specific components of these
advanced qualifications, based on their research
and expertise in the various focus areas of the
manufacturing curriculum. PROFESSOR THEUNS DR LISA KINNEAR is the
(TWIMS) MANUFACTURING TWIMS Executive Programmes and Community PELSER is the Executive Director of Academics at
Manufacturing Community
TWIMS, a senior lecturer
at GIBS and is responsible
manufacturing focused executive short courses strategic direction and for the quality delivery of
operational execution of
academic and executive
CURRICULUM Formal Academic Programme: The GIBS industry and areas of faculty specialisations. The the institute. His career programmes delivered
based on research and developments in the
Manufacturing Focused MBA
spans more than thirty
by TWIMS. She has a PhD
campus provides a site for learning, exchange of
The Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)
in the field of organi-
years in academia and
manufacturing focused MBA, delivered through the ideas and innovation for the manufacturing corporate South Africa. Theuns holds a Bachelor sational development and leadership from the
community through engagements with leaders
partnership with TWIMS is intended to elevate the from industry, government and institutions of Commerce (BCom), a BCom Honours, a University of KwaZulu-Natal and a Masters in
critical thinking of management in the manufacturing committed to the growth of the sector. Masters of Commerce (MCom) and a Doctor of Management, HR (cum laude) from Wits Business
Philosophy (PhD) in Strategic Management from School. Lisa has been in the academic and
2. TWIMS Curriculum: The Integrated Manufacturing Potchefstroom University. He is the managing executive education space for the past 23 years and
director of Teleios Advisory Services (TAS) a
at TWIMS her teaching, supervision and research
Leadership Development Model consulting firm and director at Super-Cube, a focuses on the inclusive leadership issues in
leadership development provider.
AUTHOR: The integrated TWIMS manufacturing curriculum Sustainable Manufacturing LIESEL KASSIER is the DR MALIKA KHODJA is
reflects responsible management education in its The sustainable manufacturing theme considers the Metair Head of Green the TFG Head of Future
consideration of the United Nations Sustainable pertinent issues surrounding sustainability and Manufacturing at TWIMS. Manufacturing at TWIMS.
She has a PhD and
Development Goals in each of the focus areas. green manufacturing and why this is so critical to the Liesel has worked in the Masters in Mechanical
sustainability sector for
Dr Lisa Kinnear TWIMS is committed to nurturing leadership talent manufacturing sector. Manufacturing is a key the past 12 years. She has Engineering from the
who will develop manufacturing environments that
contributor to the world’s environmental problems
are attractive to future generations and contribute through the technologies it has deployed, the a Development Finance University of Djillali
Liabes in Sidi Bel
Masters in Renewable
to society. materials it uses, and its complex inbound and Energy Finance (Suma Abbes-Algeria. She has a
outbound value chains. Cum Laude) from the background in the
The establishment of the Toyota Wessels Institute for 2.1 The Roof: Inclusive Leadership The role that competing economic ideologies play Frankfurt School of Finance and Management mechanics of materials and numerical simu-
Over the last two decades, social transformation in respect to green manufacturing is at the core of and a BCom Honours (Economics) completed lation, with a focus on Finite Element Analysis and
Manufacturing Studies (TWIMS) in 2018, founded by globally has given rise to greater diversity in the the sustainability theme and the concepts of the cum laude from UKZN. Liesel is currently fracture mechanics. Her PhD studies was
workplace, challenging the manufacturing industry circular economy, green supply chains, and undertaking her Ph.D. through the University of conducted on aircraft crack repair at the CSIR in
the Toyota South Africa Educational Trust, supports the to become more inclusive in its leadership practices. measuring true value are applied in the context of Sussex and Johannesburg where she is examining South Africa. Malika conducted additional
The future trajectory of manufacturing depends positioning sustainable manufacturing as a Sustainable Business Model Indicators which research in collaboration with the CSIR and the
development of the continent’s next generation of on the attraction of exceptional talent and the business model to be followed to achieve a involves the development of a new Corporate University of Witwatersrand on the simulation of
incorporation of innovative thinking into the competitive advantage. The sustainability discourse Socio-Ecological Resilience indicator. the laser shock peening process.
manufacturing leaders and aims to develop a deep manufacturing workforce at every level. Manu- considers the changing legislative framework,
facturing in South Africa and on the African continent examines theories around investment principles, KHAVITHA SINGH is the
appreciation for the significance of the manufacturing poses unique leadership challenges of a society with ESG, finance metrics and shareholder return time MBONGENI NDLOVU is Toyota Head of Lean
the Illovo head of African
deep inequalities and imbalanced skills levels. frames, allowing manufacturing organisations to Trade and Industrial- Management at TWIMS.
sector as a contributor to economic and social growth. While many of these critical elements of leadership take long term positions while at the same time isation at TWIMS. He has an She has an MBA from
meeting their current competitive needs.
are taught in the core curriculum of the GIBS African Trade and Industrialisation MSc in African Studies and University of Cape Town
PGDip/MBA, the inclusive leadership focus of the an MSc in Economics for (GSB), Advanced leader-
Development both from
manufacturing curriculum aims to raise awareness Recent decades have seen major changes in global the University of Oxford. He ship qualification from
around specific inclusivity issues in the manu- patterns of trade and industrialisation and their has six years of experience NMMU Business School
and a Pharmacy degree
facturing sector and to relate these to both distribution across regions of the globe as well as in economic research and from Rhodes University.
management and worker experiences, enabling countries. The critical role of industrial and trade its application. In his career, Mbongeni has led Her published MBA Research focused on
leaders to act as change agents by championing policy in shaping opportunities for industrialisation research projects for major South African policy inclusivity of women leaders in production
is a key strategic theme for the manufacturing
these issues with knowledge, awareness and industry. This is in a context where industrialisation, departments. He has also conducted research environments.
personal effectiveness. and specifically the growth of the manufacturing projects for prominent industry associations and Khavitha has over 15 years of experience in the
2.2 The Pillars: Strategic Manufacturing Themes sector, remain key mechanisms enabling developing large multi-national corporations. Mbongeni has Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, Consulting and Logistics
worked in trade and industrial development, both in
countries and emerging economies to improve their industries within Operations, Continuous Improve-
The three pillars in the house represent the key economic and social welfare. South Africa and internationally. This has included
strategic themes manufacturers face which are project assignments in countries such as Botswana, ment, Strategic Projects and Leadership Capability
development spaces.
simultaneously forces for disruption. The role of trade and industrial development in the Namibia, Kenya, and Nigeria.
evolving global context and the issues arising from
Industry 4.0 and The Future of Manufacturing this is considered within this theme in terms of their PROFESSOR JUSTIN BARNES LUKE MULLER is the
implications for the future of African and more
The future of manufacturing theme considers what specifically South African manufacturing. is the Manufacturing Ambas- Research Manager at
manufacturing could potentially look like in the sador for TWIMS pro- TWIMS, ensuring that
future and the likely implications of these changes 2.3 The Foundations: Lean Operations and moting the importance of robust qualitative and
for the South African and broader African manu- Supply Chain African industrialisation quantitative research
facturing sector. Highly disruptive market, social At the foundation of the house sits the essential through the institute. methodologies are
Justin has his PhD in Deve-
and technology forces that are re-framing the knowledge and skills required to lead an efficient and lopment Studies (industrial applied. He is respon-
manufacturing sector’s development trajectory are effective operation or supply chain within the specialiation) and his sible for guiding and
explored and interrogated in relation to strategic manufacturing ecosystem. The essence of lean in MSocSci in Development completing research
frameworks at a firm level. operations solidifies the thinking that integrating Studies (cum laude) from the University of projects for internal and external clients. This
lean into the operations management system is a includes data analysis and the statistical testing
The consequences of technology disruptions such fundamental requirement for successful production. Natal, Durban. Justin has a 25-year track record
as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence The underlying culture and value systems imbued in Global Value Chain research and inter- of research findings. Luke’s specialisations
(AI) and Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) are within lean operations management are critical to national industrial and trade policy deve- include micro and macroeconomics, deve-
considered for markets and supply chains; and how this, supporting the characteristics of lean leadership lopment. He was previously the Chair of lopment economics, and trade and investment
Industrial Studies at the University of
they are challenging the way manufacturing is at the execution level, which is pertinent to the KwaZulu-Natal and has over 30 publications in within Sub-Saharan Africa. He also has a keen
presently organised in South Africa and on the success of entrenching lean practices and behaviours academic journals and books. interest in multinational enterprise activities
African continent. into organisations. across countries.