P. 88
Kidnappers abduct 317 schoolgirls to me said they came with vehicles and moved the stu-
In Nigeria in armed night-time raid dents, they also moved some foot, Sulaiman Tanau
(The Guardian)
Anka, an information commissioner, told Reuters.
Police have said 317 schoolgirls have been abducted in
north-west Nigeria, the third mass kidnapping of students in Unicef condemned the attack. “We are angered and
three months in an escalating wave of rural attacks blamed saddened by yet another brutal attack on schoolchildren
in Nigeria,” said Peter Hawkins, the UN body’
s Nigeria representative.
A surge in armed militancy by several armed ban-
dit groups in Africa’s most populous country has caused
mounting dismay, amid a breakdown of security, particu-
larly in rural areas. The groups operate from forest
hideouts spanning north-western Nigeria into Niger,
where they have launched attacks, kidnappings, theft
and sexual violence on rural towns and villages.
on groups of armed bandits.
The schoolgirls were abducted at about 1am from the town Ghana becomes first country to receive
of Jangebe, Zamfara state, from the Jangebe government
Covid vaccine through COVAX program
girls’ secondary school, police said on Friday.
Ghana has become the first country to re-
Police and army officers have “commenced a joint search-
ceive Covid-19 vaccines through the World
and-rescue operation with a view to rescuing the 317 stu-
dents kidnapped by the armed bandits”, Mohammed Health Organization's COVAX program on
Shehu, a police spokesperson said. Wednesday, a joint statement issued by UNICEF
Ghana and WHO Ghana said.
A local government official in Zamfara said the gunmen shot The shipment, consisting of 600,000 doses
sporadically and took the girls away. “Information available of the AstraZeneca vaccines, arrived at 7 am
Continued on page 94
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