Page 21 - May 2023
P. 21

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             Was it that all the health and safety risk
             assessments  etc.  that  had  to  be  done
             could be done once by a small band of
             people  for  a  large  Long  Mat  Centre
             whereas it fell on the shoulders of each
             Short Mat Club in its own venue?
                     There  was  a  different  feel  be-
             tween the rigours imposed on clubs by
             the ESMBA at that time than, say, the ap-
             proach of Bowls England – and possibly
             Long Mat too. Has that been a factor?
             Putting my hard hat on,
                     I’ll gently ask whether asking every member of a club to actually sign a Code of Conduct vs
             simply making it a condition of belonging to the club may also give an over bureaucratic feel to Short
             Mat. I will be accused of hypocrisy as I actually resigned from a club committee and as a league
             secretary in outdoor bowls as I didn’t think people were taking my carefully designed Covid guidance
             seriously enough – so I do know how difficult it is to get the balance right – and those who do the
             work are heroes!

                   There really does seem to have been a sea change in attitudes post Covid.
                 Perhaps people are simply valuing their family life more than going out to bowl?

             I’ve put forward a few of the issues which seem to be affecting Short Mat in my tiny
             area of the country. I’d love to hear the experience of other clubs.

                                            How Far Will Bowls Shrink?

                                            Following on from Elaine’s article, I had already prepared the following
                                            article as I am very concerned about our loss in numbers. Sorry, I raise
                                            this topic yet again.  Has it run its course? I give a firm no to that ques-
                                            tion as there is an enormous future outside the UK around the World.
                                                 In the UK we are sadly not regarded well commercially. there are
                                            some exceptions but take the case of Warner Holidays. For years they
                                            had 4 indoor bowls venues but now they only have one. First to go was
             Bodelwyddan Castle in North Wales. It was probably the least used but I ran Short Mat holidays
             there for 19 years. More recently Gunton Hall in Suffolk has now been used for other sports and the
             same applies with Lakeside in Hampshire and we are just left with Bembridge on the Isle-of-Wight.
             We are still left with Potters but now they have become All-inclusive, a number bowlers seem unwilling
             to pay the all-inclusive price.
                     Crown Green bowls has been declining for many years and we have lost many greens over
             the years. Lawn bowls has also lost greens, not helped (in my opinion) by overly strict dress regula-
             tions. All sports grow and fall over very long periods but for us in the UK, we are still on the decline,
             so we need to grow the sport around the World.
                     Lawn bowls, both indoor and out are trying to do something about
             it. But it seems that the other versions of bowls seem to be doing little or
             nothing. There is of course much hand wringing and gnashing of teeth but
             there is no substitute for positive action.
                     Many versions of bowls also seem inflicted by bowlers trying not
             to pay for their sport. Throw in our declining ages and you can see what
             is happening. Bowls is of course not the only shrinking sport, whilst others
             are growing. I always remember the saying “that not enough is being done
             for the apathetic!” My other complaint is that we do little to promote our
             sports. I’m 77 and running out of time but I’m still really bothered for my sport.
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