Page 25 - May 2023
P. 25

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             Kewstoke Annual Spring Fours

                                             Somerset Teams on Top

                                                                               After a three year break due to Covid,
                                                                               Kewstoke once again held their an-
                                                                               nual Spring Fours Tournament in the
                                                                               Village Hall.   Only ten teams entered
                                                                               this year from Devon, Somerset and
                                                                                     The teams were spilt into two
                                                                               groups  of  five.    Each  team  played
                                                                               four games on a round robin basis on
                                                                               four different mats.  The overall win-
                                                                               ner and runner up were decided on
                                                                               points scored and shot difference.
                                                                                     After  four  games  Evercreech
                                                                               were  leading  their  group  with  six
                                                                               points,  while  Middlezoy  after  three
                                                                               games already had six points so they
                     Fours Champions Middlezoy  (Somerset)                     needed a draw to win by one shot
                Linda Glover, Kenny Glover, Mike Davis Kewstoke                which is exactly what they did reserv-
                   Chairman, Mel Morris and Paul Fisher (Skip)                 ing their place in the Final.
             The second group however had two clear teams, Mark Village B and Oake Tree, with both being on
             7 points. However this is where shot difference came into it with Mark Village B having plus seven
             and Oake Tree just one point behind with plus six points.
                     With both teams having played so well
             in the earlier rounds, the Final was anything
             but close. Middlezoy scored the first four ends
             taking eight shots already when Mark Village
             took their first shot. After that they only man-
             aged to pick up one more shot on the seventh
             end  with  Middlezoy  finishing  with  fourteen
             shots to Mark Village B two shots, making Mid-
             dlezoy the overall winners on the day.
                     This year’s charity was for the Macmil-
             lan Nurses at Weston hospital.  Many thanks            Fours Finalists Mark Village B (Somerset)
             to all who donated prizes resulting in us being           Terry Allen (skip) David Parsons, Pat
             able to send a cheque for £500.00 to the local         Seabrook, Mike Davis Kewstoke Chairman
             Macmillan Nurses. This amount did include the                         and Carol Allen.
             Village Hall donating our cost of £82.00 which
             we would usually pay for the hall hire.
                     The event could not have taken place without the support of the club members and volunteers
             laying out equipment, organising the raffle and serving tea/coffee and cakes all day. Anyone inter-
             ested in giving bowls a go; you are free to attend our sessions on Monday morning’s from 11:00 am
             to 1.00 pm and Wednesday afternoon’s from 2pm – 4pm.
                                   Kath Francombe

                            Match Secretary. Kewstoke SMBC

             Macmillan nurses

             Macmillan nurses are specialist cancer nurses who can help you to understand your
             cancer diagnosis and treatment options, and support you though your cancer experi-
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