Page 20 - May 2023
P. 20

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                                          The Demise of Short Mat Bowls?

                                          By Elaine Gathercole

                                          I was interested to read Bob’s comment in a recent email about our
                                          “shrinking sport” and the loss of substantial numbers of short mat bowlers.
                                          I’d like to start a discussion on what is going on and why.
                                                 I am Captain of Welburn, a club in a small village in North York-
                                          shire, and am the League Secretary for the Ryedale Short Mat Bowls
                                          League – but write this article purely in a personal capacity.
                            My club had 20 members in 2019/20, but eight of these are no longer members in
             2022/3. Of the eight, one couldn’t play while waiting 3 years for a new hip (just had it done and hopes
             to return – aged around 90); four just lost interest and three now prefer long mat. Thankfully we
             picked up five new members, leaving us with 17 in total. Three of the five joined because a family
             member already played, one because a friend played and one because his previous club, whom we
             used to play against in our league, had folded.
                     This is despite our attempts to advertise the club to attract completely new members in our
             own and surrounding villages at the start of the season by various means but with very little success.
             Moreover, two of our members joined but do not actually participate – one because he needed to
             join a club to compete at higher levels and the other so he could help out if we were very short for
             league matches.
                     This effectively left me with 15 players to consider for League Matches which, until 2019/20,
             used to require teams of 12 players (4 rinks of triples playing with 3 woods each).
             In 2019/20 the Ryedale League consisted of 6 clubs – a situation which was stable for many years.
             However, clubs were struggling so much with finding players that we decided for 2021/2 to drop to
             just 2 rinks for League games, requiring teams of just 6 players.
                     Even with that reduction, other clubs are still struggling. We kept it at 6 players for 2022/3,
             but one club, which was one of the founding members of the league, folded as they had too few
             players even to field a team of six, especially as several who did play had problems with eyesight
             which meant they were short of drivers to get to matches. Another club had to move venues to share
             with another club as their previous premises increased their rent so much it was unviable for them
             to continue given how few players there were to share the costs. Other clubs are still struggling to
             find enough players.
                     The issue of driving was not limited to one club. The league used to play games at 7pm – but
             an increasing number of clubs were struggling to get people willing to drive at night in winter – so we
             switched to a hybrid approach where some games were played at 2pm and some at 7pm. The only
             other league in our area has switched completely to 2pm games. Do we give in and accept Short
             Mat Bowls is just game for the retired (who will progressively become an older group as retirement
             ages increase and fewer can afford to retire early) – or do we cause clubs to fold because people
             are unwilling to drive at night?
                     As two of my players are a working father and his schoolgirl daughter and some others do
             voluntary or caring work in afternoons, this limits my choice of players in my own club for afternoon
             matches – and threatens to put the younger
             members off Short Mat Bowls.
                     During and post Covid, there seems
             to have been a switch away from Short Mat
             to  Long  Mat.  As  well  as  the  three  who
             switched completely to Long Mat, about five
             of our current members now play both for-
             mats – and this sometimes limits their will-
             ingness  to  play  in  Short  Mat  League
                     Why  should  Long  Mat  have  pros-
             pered while Short Mat declined during the
             Covid era?
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