Page 22 - May 2023
P. 22

36 mat venue

         Unbelievably Banned by

         the Swedish Federation

        The ongoing Swedish Question

        Dear Bob Weafer, Indoor Bowler
        Thank you for bringing up the problems that exist within the bowls movement in Sweden in your
        magazine.Borgholm Bowls (BBs) is Sweden's largest bowls club and the only one to have its own
        arena built exclusively for bowls. The arena accommodates 12 fixed mats, cafe, gallery, office, tech-
        nical room for heating, ventilation and lighting. In two adjacent halls it works to roll out an additional
        24 mats for larger competitions.
               The club has very extensive activities with training for beginners and members, competitions,
        pub evenings, company meetings. But also many activities in the local community where we help
        with many arrangement. That's why we also have over 60 companies as sponsors and lots of support
        in the whole municipality.In the Borgholm Bowls Arena, bowls are played seven days a week in dif-
        ferent groups and in different levels, mornings, evenings, women's bowls, league games with nearby
        clubs every week as well as local competitions once or twice a month. We have also made special
        efforts, in collaboration with disability associations, to help people with disabilities play bowls.
               BBs have been a member of SBF (Bowls Sweden) for many years. After the conflict between
        SBF and Overby in connection with the World Champion in Sweden 2018, we have tried to act for
        dialogue, cooperation and that all players must be able to meet, "Bowls for all". But the SBF's board
        was against this direction with the result that they excluded us two
        years ago, just like they did with Överby five years ago.
               Over the years, many others have tried to bring about a change
        in SBF, most recently Conny Sander in SBF's board during 2022, who
        did several attempts to start a collaboration between all clubs. It was
        also stopped by the SBF board with results that Conny Sander and his
        club Hulterstad Bowls left SBF. All attempts to dialogue and reconcilia-
        tion is stopped by a small group within SBF who primarily look out for
        their own benefit and their own power. All talk about democracy and
        the values of the sports movement, for example in Indoor Bowls, from
        their side rings false when we all see how they act in reality. Together
        with our bowls friends in SSMBA (the new association in Sweden) we
        arrange national competitions and has players participating in SMPT
        competitions, since many years.
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