Page 23 - May 2023
P. 23

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             Two members from our association were in the team that won the World Master Fours last fall in
             Chelmsford. Because SBF has a monopoly, from the World Council, to appoint national teams to the
             World Cup, our players, who are in the top in Sweden, cannot be there and face other countries' na-
             tional teams and can not either face other top Swedish players in Sweden.
                     There are some people in the management of SBF, who made a good contribution by taking
             in the bowls to Sweden about 20 years ago, but who now have to leave and let new people take
             over if bowls is to be able to move forward and develop further in Sweden. The World Council also
             has a responsibility for the situation being as it is in Sweden, which Bob correctly points out in his
             Summary in the March Edition 2023 Indoor Bowler with the highest justified question?
                 "How long will the World Council allow this injustice to  continue?"
                            The board Borgholm Bowls  Website -

                            Stefan Nilsson chairman

             Ed - I thank you for yet another view of the seemingly undemocratic Swedish Bowls Federation.
             Conny Sander, mentioned in your article did send me a copy of her resignation letter from the board
             of the Federation. She did not say I could publish it so I haven’t. It contains one very interesting para-
             graph that clearly indicates there appears to be “a Puppet Master”, is in charge, who is not part of
             the Federation Board but seems to control it from the outside and I’m sure many of us are aware of
             who it is. Fancy banning a 36 mat venue who wants Bowls in Sweden to be democratic for all.
                     However, the tiny seemingly undemocratic Swedish Federation have a monopoly of World
             championship places and they will not give them up and become democratic. The World Council
             could change this at a stroke but are dodging the question, to the detriment of Swedish bowlers and
             the quality of entries into the world Championships. I assume the federation bowlers are afraid of
             better bowlers taking their place?
                     The World Council controls the Championships and the entries. But I seem to be a lone voice
             piddling in the wind!  Why am I so concerned? I helped by introducing the Sport to Sweden and I
             also believe in democracy and fair play. Something the Swedish Federation does not apparently be-
             lieve in and they are amazingly supported by the World Council. A precedent of replacing one country
             group with another has already been set. I was there and voted for it. Sadly, no-one else who was
             there is still with us apart from the the then IIBA Secretary, David Hunter.
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