P. 12

SPEAKING                      Sustain a straightforward     Sustain a straightforward
                                                 description of a (or a variety   description of a subject or a
                                                 of) subject matters within the   variety of matters within the
                                                 personal and educational      public and vocational domains
                                                 domains                       Exchange, check, and confirm
                                                 Communicate with some         information
                                                 confidence on familiar routine   Enter unprepared into
                                                 and non-routine matters:      conversations on topics within
                                                 educational field.            the public and vocational
                                                 Enter unprepared into         domain
                                                 conversations within the
                                                 personal and educational

                   WRITING                       Produce longer, more detailed   Produce longer, more detailed
                                                 and complex expository,       and complex transactional
                                                 procedural and narrative texts    texts, short simple persuasive
                                                 Convey information and ideas   texts
                                                 on abstract as well as concrete   Check information and ask
                                                 topics through the text types   about or explain problems
                                                                               through the text types

                      2.3.2.  Essential assessment indicators per school year

                   LANGUAGE SKILLS               B1.1: At the end of 1  2      B1.2.: At the end of  3
                                                 Bachillerato                  Bachillerato
                   LISTENING                     Follow in outline             Understand detailed directions
                                                 straightforward short talks on   Follow a short lecture or talk
                                                 familiar topics within the    within the public and
                                                 personal and educational      vocational domain, provided
                                                 domains provided these are    the subject matter is familiar,
                                                 delivered in clearly          and the presentation is
                                                 articulated,standard speech.   straightforward and clearly
                                                 Within the personal and       structured.
                                                 educational                   Within the public and
                                                 domains, follow the main      vocational domains, follow the
                                                 points of                     main points of extended
                                                 extended discussion among     discussion among native
                                                 native                        speakers talking around them,
                                                 speakers talking around them,   provided speech is clearly
                                                 provided speech is clearly    articulated in standard dialect.
                                                 articulated in standard dialect.

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