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P. 71

dios  griego  del  vino,  decidiera  tomar  un  descanso  en  estos  hermosos   been  enough reason for dionisio, the ancient greek god of the wine, to
 parajes de los andes argentinos. si así fuera, de día recorrería los viñedos   decide to take a rest in these beautiful argentinean andean lands. if that
 de san Juan, saboreando cabernet y sirah, o se deleitaría entre las parras   would be the case, he would visit the grape yards of  san Juan, delighted
 de  san  rafael.  de  noche  retornaría  a  mendoza,  donde  un  decidido  y   with cabernet and sirah, or among the grape yards in san rafael. in the
 confortante malbec le ayudaría a conciliar un sueño profundo y tranquilo.   evening  he  would  return  to  mendoza,  where  a  strong  and  comforting
 para comer no tendría problemas, entre fiambres, voluptuosos asados y   malbec would help him to sleep soundly and quietly. He would not have
 una rica cocina regional, sólo le quedaría escoger cada día la mejor opción   problems with food among  cold food, voluptuous roast beefs and a tasty
 para satisfacer su exigente paladar.  descansar tampoco sería un problema,   regional dishes, he would only have to select the best option to satisfy his
 la región ofrece hoteles para todos los gustos, urbanos y rurales; muchas   exquisite taste. to have a rest would also be no problem, the region offers
 bodegas han abierto albergues entre   hotels for all preferences, in urban and rural areas; many wine cellars have
 las viñas para el placer de los ojos y de  Por su especial geografía, mendoza es el   opened lodges among the vineyards to please not only the eyes but also
 la gula. como dijo el poeta Horacio,   marco perfecto para albergar los mejores   the appetite. as Horacio, the poet said once  “sapias, vina liques carpe
 “sapias, vina liques carpe diem quam   diem quam minumun credula postero” (be wise,  drink wine…enjoy the
 minumun credula postero” (sé sabio,  viñedos  de  América  Latina.  En  sus   moment trusting as less as possible what the future will be), that is really
 bebe  vino   disfruta  el  momento   bodegas se elaboran los más exquisitos y   the effect that mendoza has on the visitor, i really feel this every time i visit
 confiando  lo  menos  posible  en  el   this city.
 mañana),  este  es  en  realidad  el   reconocidos vinos del mundo.  as mentioned before,  mendoza is by excellence a wine producer area; it
 efecto que suele causar mendoza en   has wine cellars that produce fine  and best quality wines that are exported
 el visitante, lo experimento personalmente cada vez que visito esta ciudad.  worldwide. many of the wine cellars can be visited by the tourists  and they
 como mencionaba anteriormente, mendoza es una zona vitivinícola por   can taste the wine on site. But there is particular wine cellar with something
 excelencia, cuenta con numerosas bodegas para la producción de vinos   very special: its passion for vine grapes culture that has developed in almost
 finos de la más alta calidad, que son exportados a todo el mundo. muchas   a cult for wine.  that is the wine cellar of the  Zuccardi family. their 650
 pueden ser visitadas por el turista y realizar degustaciones en ellas. pero   hectares of vine yards are distributed into two “fincas” (for the name in
 hay una bodega en particular que tiene algo especial: su pasión por la   spanish) : the finca Beltran and the finca santa rosa. the finca Beltran
 vitivinicultura, que se ha desarrollado hasta convertirse casi en un culto por   is located at only 30 minutes from the city, and the short trip is indeed
 el vino. me refiero a la bodega de la familia Zuccardi. las 650 hectáreas   a very pleasant one , going through an access road surrounded by large

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