Page 7 - RFDS - What is it like
P. 7
Now that we are staying home all the time,
I spend most of the day outside. We live on
a hill, so I make pretend tracks for my
mountain bike and use the rocks as jumps.
My sister and I have been building a fort
under a huge bush. When it rains, we have
a small creek that we play in. Our dog loves
playing in it too.
When Dad is home from work, I like
to help him in the yard. I get to drive
the mower and trailer to move things
around and collect things.
Sometimes I give my sister a lift in
the trailer.
While we are home, we are building
the area for our vegetable garden.
We have lots of possums and
paddymelons at our place so I have
been helping Dad build a fence to
keep them out. We will build a roof
and walls out of special netting.
Mum says we can have guinea pigs
in there to keep the grass down, so
we have to keep them safe as well.
To keep them warm I am building
them a house in the shed.
We live under the flight
path. I love to run outside
to watch the planes fly
overhead. When I grow
up, I want to be a pilot.