Page 8 - RFDS - What is it like
P. 8
Hi, I’m Charlie and I am 11 years old. I live on a farm with my younger brother, my younger
sister and my Mum and Dad.
When school was cancelled, I was really happy because I didn’t have to wake up in the morning, I
could wake up in the afternoon. But the down side was I had to do school work at home when I
woke up! I was not happy about that. Things didn’t change much at my house when Coronavirus
hit. Mum and Dad are usually home anyway.
I have many animals. I have cats, dogs, horses, ponies, chickens, snakes, lizards, a new lamb and
a cockatiel bird. We live on a farm.
Coronavirus meant I could ride my ponies more. I have
two ponies, one chestnut brown named Patcher, and
one white named Treasure. Patcher is short and has
a big belly. He is always eating. When I ride him, he’s
sometimes stubborn. When he’s on grass he always
tries to eat and doesn’t go when I tell him to.
Treasure is a little taller than Patcher. She isn’t
stubborn like Patcher, she doesn’t put her head down
and goes when I tell her to. But she has sensitive feet
and fur so I have to brush her with a soft brush and it’s
hard for Mum to clean her feet.
I also like to play with my other animals like my cat, Star, and my
cockatiel, Pecker; you can guess why he’s called Pecker. He likes
to peck you if you try to hold him or touch him but it doesn’t hurt.
Star, on the other hand, doesn’t care what you do to her as long
as you feed her. She likes to annoy us by meowing outside trying
to get us to let her in. My sister, Lola sometimes lets the cats in
to cuddle but Dad says to get them out a lot.
I like to play with Pecker by training him but it never really works,
the only thing I can get him to do is get on and off my hand by
whistling a specific whistle.
I also have two bearded Dragon lizards, Heather and Dagger. They are brother and sister. They
are usually sleeping unless it’s a really warm day which is rare in Victoria. Whenever I let them
out of their cage they just lay in the sun mostly or Heather is running around, she is really fast
when she wants to be. Dagger doesn’t run as much as Heather does, he probably waits until
nobody is looking.