Page 8 - Kronos - Employee User Guide
P. 8

Employee User Guide

                       appear above the calendar grid, and the requests for less than 24 hours look at the relevant
                       time within the calendar grid.
                   G.  In the by day and by week views, the colored line indicates today’s date and the current time.
                       In the by month view, the current date is highlighted.
                   H.  Visibility filter:  Choose elements you want to be displayed or evident details that you do not
                       want to be viewed within the calendar.
                   I.  Calendar grid:  Displays schedule shifts, including start-time and end time, number of hours and
                       pay codes.

                A                           B       C              D                                    E





               REQUESTING TIME OFF / PTO

                                                                              Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota    7
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13