Page 32 - SAPPO Boardpack l 13 May 2020
P. 32
Literature Studies
It was decided that students will be commissioned to do literature surveys on
selected topics. Masters students usually start their topics in August and a list
of possible topics will be generated before August.
A bursary was awarded to Ms Chantel Pennicott who will be doing a study at
Baynesfield under supervision of Prof Rob Gous. Her study is titled Economic
optimum nutrition of growing pigs at Baynesfield.
Research Projects
The three new projects that are funded or partially funded by SAPPO are now
running and all the contracts have been duly signed and invoiced.
Carcass Classification
The Carcass classification project has been completed and the ARC has
been paid for the excellent work done by Drs Strydom and Hope-Jones. The
final report was presented to the Board at a previous meeting where a request
was made to extend the project by doing a comparative study on a thousand
more pigs to compare the old PORCUS system with the new proposed SAFRIC
system. The Committee realized that, in order to prevent confusion, the class
names of PORCUS will have to be substituted with a new set and SAFRIC is
suggested. Hennessy grading probe measurements of 19 413 pigs were kindly
provided by Lynca Meats, which were used to make the comparison. A
separate report has been generated on the comparison.