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KLE FOCUS Aug 2019 Volume 13, Issue 2
Recently, a 49-year-old Belagavi resident admi ed for pneumonia
(lung infec on) infected with H1N1 virus went into respiratory and mul ple
organ failures despite all the intensive support in the Cri cal medical care
Unit. To save his life, he was put on mechanical circulatory support (Veno
Venous ECMO) for 30 days at KLES Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi by
the team of doctors in the Cardiothoracic Surgical & Cardiac Anesthesiology
Venovenous ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygena on) involves
oxygena ng the blood by an ar ficial lung and returning it to the pa ent,
giving me to the lungs to recover from widespread pneumonia resul ng
from the H1N1 infec on. During the one month, the pa ent required
intensive monitoring and expert care provided by the team of Cardiothoracic
Surgeons lead by Dr Richard Saldhana, Dr Mohan, Gan, Pulmonologists Dr
Gautham Suresh, Cardiac Anesthesiologists, Perfusionists, Physiotherapists
and Intensive Care Nurses. A er 40 days of intensive care, the pa ent made a
full recovery and discharged with normal lung func on. ECMO interven on facility provides respiratory and circulatory
support, available now at the KLES Hospital. H1N1 flu is also known as swine flu. Several years ago, when a new virus of H1N1
emerged that spread among people who had not been near pigs. In 2009, H1N1 was spreading fast around the world, so the
World Health Organiza on called it a pandemic. Since then, people have con nued to get sick from swine flu; it is s ll
essen al to protect from ge ng it. Like seasonal, it can cause more severe health problems for some people.
What is ECMO?
Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygena on (ECMO) is a form of mechanical circula on support for the heart and lungs
when they are failing and give them rest to recover. It involves a machine that will take over the work of the heart and lungs,
used only when a pa ent’s condi on con nues to deteriorate despite mechanical ven la on and other suppor ve
medica ons.
When should ECMO be considered?
ECMO considered in pa ents with life-threatening respiratory or cardiac failure that does not respond to conven onal
intensive care management. Pa ents who benefit from ECMO are those with extensive pneumonia & acute heart failure.
An elderly couple were happy that they conceived for the first
me a er 15 years of marriage, only to find the foetus has a rare
congenital pulmonary malforma on, congenital lobar emphysema
of right lung. The successful surgery on the baby was done
postnatally at KLEs Dr Prabhakar Kore hospital by Dr Santosh B
Kurbet, Consultant Paediatric Surgeon with antenatal help from Dr
Manjunath Hukkeri, an anaesthesia team lead by Dr Vandana A
Gogate & Dr Manjunath C Pa l and NICU care by Dr S M Dhaded
and Dr Manisha R Bhandankar. The baby is doing well at the follow-
up period of two months.