Page 119 - Essential Haematology
P. 119

Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin   /  105

                      form rhomboidal crystals and in the homozygous    Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most
                      state there is a mild haemolytic anaemia with   commonly used technique (Fig.  7.20 ) and may be
                      marked target cell formation, cells with rhomboidal   performed by using primer pairs that only amplify

                      shape and microspherocytes (Fig.  7.19 b). Th e   individual  alleles  ( ‘ allele - specific  priming ’ )  (Fig.

                      spleen is enlarged. The carriers show a few target    7.21 ) or by using consensus primers that amplify all
                      cells only.                               the alleles followed by restriction digestion to detect

                                                                a particular allele. This is best illustrated by Hb S
                                                                in which the enzyme DdeI detects the A - T change
                          Haemoglobin  D   d isease
                                                                (Fig.  7.22 ).

                       This is a group of variants all with the same electro-   Gap - PCR analysis is useful for detecting gene
                      phoretic mobility. Heterozygotes show no haema-  deletions in  α  - thalassaemia  (Fig.   7.23 ),  for   δ  β  -
                      tological abnormality while homozygotes have a     thalassaemia and Hb Lepore. Small deletions and
                      mild haemolytic anaemia.                  point mutations are diagnosed by cycle - sequencing
                                                                of PCR product using fluorescent labels and analy-

                                                                sis of the fragments on a capillary - based automatic
                          Haemoglobin  E   d isease
                                                                sequencer. This approach is useful for rare and

                       This is the most common haemoglobin variant   unknown mutations, for confirming prenatal diag-

                      in South - East Asia. In the homozygous state,   nosis of  β  - thalassaemia and sickle cell disorders by
                      there is a mild microcytic hypochromic anaemia.   other PCR methods, and for the rare non - deletion
                      Haemoglobin E/ β    - thalassaemia,  however,  resem-    α    - thalassaemia mutations that result in severe Hb
                      bles homozygous  β    - thalassaemia  both  clinically   H hydrops fetalis syndrome.
                      and haematologically.                         Pre - implantation genetic diagnosis which avoids
                                                                the need for pregnancy termination involves per-
                          Prenatal  d iagnosis of  g enetic                               Double-stranded
                        h aemoglobin  d isorders                                          DNA
                        It is important to give genetic counselling to                    Heat to 94ºC to
                      couples at risk of having a child with a major                      denature to
                                                                                          single strands
                      haemoglobin defect. If a pregnant woman is found
                      to have a haemoglobin abnormality, her partner   2) Primer          Anneal single strands
                      should be tested to determine whether he also                       to synthetic
                      carries a defect. When both partners show an abnor-                 primers and
                      mality and there is a risk of a serious defect in the               reassociate

                      offspring, particularly  β  - thalassaemia  major,  it  is
                      important to offer antenatal diagnosis. Several tech-  3)           Add DNA polymerase

                                                                                          + dNTPs to
                      niques are available, the choice depending on the                   synthesize new
                      stage of pregnancy and the potential nature of the                  strands on template
                                                                                          of existing strands
                                                                 4) Repeat process 20 – 30 times
                            DNA   d iagnosis

                                                                          Figure 7.20   Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The

                       The majority of samples are obtained by chorionic   primers hybridize to DNA on either side of the piece of

                      villus biopsy although amniotic fluid cells are some-  DNA to be analysed. Repeated cycles of denaturation,
                      times used. Techniques to sample maternal blood   association with the primers, incubation with a DNA
                      for fetal cells or fetal DNA are being developed. Th e   polymerase and deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs) results
                      DNA is then analysed using one of the following   in amplifi cation of the DNA over a million times within
                      methods.                                  a few hours.
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