Page 120 - Essential Haematology
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106  /  Chapter 7  Genetic disorders of haemoglobin

                              Figure 7.21   The rapid prenatal diagnosis of  β -
                      thalassaemia by amplifi cation refractory mutation
                    system (ARMS). The father has the common
                    Mediterranean codon 39 (CD39) mutation, the mother

                    the IVS1 – 110 G   →   A mutation. The fetus is hetero-

                    zygous for the CD39 mutation. CVS, fetal DNA from
                    chorionic villus sampling; F, father; M, mother.
                      (Courtesy of Dr J. Old and Professor D.J. Weatherall.)

                                                                        Figure 7.22   Sickle cell anaemia: antenatal diagnosis
                                                              by DdeI - PCR analysis. The DNA is amplifi ed by two
                                                              primers that span the sickle cell gene mutation site
                                                              and produces a product of 473 base pairs (bp) in size.
                    forming conventional  in vitro  fertilization, followed   The product is digested with the restriction enzyme
                    by removing one or two cells from the blastomeres   DdeI and the resulting fragments analysed by agarose
                    on day 3. PCR is used to detect thalassaemia muta-  gel electrophoresis. The replacement of an adenine

                    tions so that unaffected blastomeres can be selected   base in the normal  β - globin gene by thymine results in
                    for implantation. HLA typing can also be used to   Hb S and removes a normal restriction site for DdeI,
                                                              producing a larger 376   bp fragment than the normal
                    select an HLA matching blastomere matching a
                                                              175 and 201   bp fragments in the digested amplifi ed
                    previous thalassaemia major child. Ethical consid-
                                                              product. In this case, the chorionic villus sample
                    erations are important in deciding to use these
                                                              (CVS) DNA shows both the normal fragments and the
                    applications.                             larger sickle cell product and so is AS. The gel shows
                                                              DNA from the mother (M), father (F), fetal DNA from a
                        Fetal  b lood  s ampling              CVS, a normal DNA control (AA) and a homozygous
                                                              sickle cell DNA control (SS).  (Courtesy of Dr. J. Old.)
                      Fetal blood sampling may be performed in mid -
                     second trimester and allows DNA study and protein
                    synthesis studies.
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