Page 315 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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very  rapid  spread  of  stimuli  throughout  the  entire  cardiac  muscle  mass.

                 Conduction of excitatory impulses to the cardiac sarcomeres is through the T
                 tubules and the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Diffusion of ions through the pores
                 in gap junctions between individual cardiac muscle fibers coordinates heart
                 function  and  allows  the  cardiac  muscle  to  act  as  a  functional syncytium,
                 allowing  the  stimuli  for  contraction  to  pass  through  the  entire  cardiac


                     As  in  the  skeletal  muscle,  calcium  is  essential  for  cardiac  muscle
                 contractions. In cardiac muscles, however, the sarcoplasmic reticulum is less
                 well  developed  and  does  not  store  sufficient  amounts  of  calcium  for

                 uninterrupted  contractions.  As  a  result,  during  muscle  stimulation  and
                 contraction, calcium is imported from outside the cardiac muscle cells into
                 the sarcoplasm as well as from the sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum. At the end
                 of the stimulus, this calcium movement is reversed.

                     Cardiac  muscle  fibers  exhibit  autorhythmicity,  an  ability  to

                 spontaneously generate stimuli. Both the parasympathetic and sympathetic
                 divisions of the autonomic nervous system innervate the heart. Nerve fibers
                 from the parasympathetic division, by way of the vagus nerve, slow the heart

                 and  decrease  blood  pressure.  Nerve  fibers  from  the  sympathetic  division
                 produce the opposite effect and increase heart rate and blood pressure.

                     Additional information on cardiac muscle histology, the heart pacemaker,
                 Purkinje fibers, and heart hormones is presented in more detail in Chapter 10.

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