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much change in their diameters. Also, cardiac muscle fibers are shorter than a

               skeletal muscle fiber with a single, centrally located nucleus (3, 7). Binucleate
               (two  nuclei)  muscle  fibers  (8)  are  also  occasionally  seen.  The  nuclei  (7)  are
               visible  in  the  center  of  each  muscle  fiber  when  cut  in  a  transverse  section.
               Around  these  central  nuclei  (3,  7,  8)  are  the  clear  zones  of  nonfibrillar
               perinuclear  sarcoplasm  (1,  13).  In  transverse  sections,  the  perinuclear

               sarcoplasm (13) appears as a clear space if the section is not through the nucleus.
               Also  visible  in  transverse  sections  are  individual  myofibrils  (14)  of  cardiac
               muscle fibers.

                   Highly characteristic features of cardiac muscle fibers are the intercalated

               discs (4, 9). These dark-staining structures are found at irregular intervals and
               represent the specialized junctional complexes between cardiac muscle fibers.

                   Cardiac muscle has a vast blood supply. Numerous small blood vessels and
               capillaries (6) are  found  in  the  connective tissue (11)  septa  and  the  delicate,
               indistinct endomysium (12) between individual muscle fibers.

                   Other examples of cardiac muscles are seen in Chapter 10.

               FIGURE 8.10 ■ Longitudinal and transverse sections of cardiac muscle. Stain:
               hematoxylin and eosin. High magnification.

               FIGURE  8.11  |  Cardiac  Muscle  (Longitudinal


               A high-magnification photomicrograph illustrates a section of the cardiac muscle

               cut in a longitudinal plane. Cardiac muscle fibers (1) exhibit cross-striations

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