Page 306 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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vesicles  to  fuse  with  the  plasma  membrane  of  the  axon  and  release  the

                 acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft, a small gap between the axon terminal
                 and cell membrane (sarcolemma) of the muscle fiber. The neurotransmitter
                 then  diffuses  across  the  synaptic  cleft,  combines  with  acetylcholine
                 receptors  on  the  cell  membrane  of  the  muscle  fiber,  and  stimulates  the
                 muscle  to  contract.  An  enzyme  called  acetylcholinesterase,  located  in  the

                 basal lamina of the synaptic cleft, inactivates or neutralizes the released and
                 excess  acetylcholine.  Inactivation  of  acetylcholine  is  necessary  in  order  to
                 prevent  further  muscle  stimulation  and  muscle  contraction  until  the  next

                 impulse arrives at the axon terminal.

                 Contraction of Skeletal Muscles

                     Before  the  arrival  of  the  nerve  stimulus  to  the  muscle,  the  muscle  is
                 relaxed,  and  calcium ions  are  stored  in  the  cisternae  of  the  sarcoplasmic
                 reticulum  bound  to  protein  calsequestrin.  Muscle  contractions  depend  on
                 the availability of calcium ions. After the arrival of the nerve stimulus and

                 the release of the neurotransmitter at the motor endplates, the sarcolemma is
                 depolarized, or activated. The stimulus signal (action potential) is propagated
                 along  the  entire  length  of  the  sarcolemma  and  rapidly  transmitted  deep  to

                 every  myofiber  by  the  network  of  the  T  tubules  that  surround  each
                 sarcomere  at  the  A–I  junction.  Expanded  terminal  cisternae  of  the
                 sarcoplasmic reticulum and T tubules form triads. At each triad, the action
                 potential is transmitted from the T tubules to every myofiber and myofibril as
                 well as the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. After stimulation, cisternae of

                 the  sarcoplasmic  reticulum  in  each  myofibril  release  calcium  ions  into  the
                 individual sarcomeres and the overlapping thick and thin myofilaments of the
                 myofibril. Calcium ions activate binding between actin and myosin, which

                 results in their sliding past each other, causing muscle contraction and muscle
                 shortening.  When  the  stimulus  subsides  and  the  membrane  is  no  longer
                 stimulated, calcium ions are actively transported back into and stored in the
                 cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, causing muscle relaxation.

                     Nearly  all  skeletal  muscles  contain  sensitive  stretch  receptors  called

                 neuromuscular  spindles.  These  spindles  consist  of  a  connective  tissue
                 capsule  that  contains  modified  muscle  fibers  called  intrafusal  fibers  and
                 numerous nerve endings,  surrounded  by  a  fluid-filled  space.  The  muscles
                 surrounding the neuromuscular spindles are called the extrafusal fibers. The

                 neuromuscular  spindles  monitor  the  changes  (distension)  in  muscle  length

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