Page 310 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
P. 310

FIGURE 8.9 ■ Diagrammatic representation of the microscopic appearance of
               cardiac muscle.

                                Supplemental       micrographic       images     are    available     at
        under Muscle Tissue.

               FIGURE  8.10  |  Longitudinal  and  Transverse

               Sections of Cardiac Muscle

               Cardiac  muscle  fibers  exhibit  similar  features  that  are  seen  in  skeletal  muscle
               fibers.  This  figure  illustrates  a  section  of  a  cardiac  muscle  cut  in  both

               longitudinal (upper portion) and transverse (lower portion) planes. The cross-
               striations  (2)  in  the  cardiac  muscle  fibers  closely  resemble  those  of  skeletal
               muscles. In contrast, the cardiac muscle fibers show branching (5, 10) without

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