Page 642 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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(insulin-secreting)  cells  through  local  action  within  the  pancreatic  islets.  It

                 also inhibits the production of bicarbonate and enzymes by the exocrine cells
                 of the pancreas.

                     Pancreatic  polypeptide  (PP)  cells  produce  the  hormone  pancreatic
                 polypeptide.  This  hormone  inhibits  the  production  of  bile  and  intestinal
                 motility,  inhibits  pancreatic  enzymes  and  bicarbonate  secretions,  and

                 stimulates the gastric chief (zymogen) cells.

               FIGURE 16.15 | Pancreas: Endocrine (Pancreatic

               Islet) and Exocrine Regions

               This  high-magnification  photomicrograph  of  the  pancreas  illustrates  both
               exocrine and endocrine components. In the center is the light-staining endocrine
               pancreatic  islet  (3).  A  thin  connective  tissue  capsule  (2)  separates  the

               pancreatic islet (3) from the exocrine secretory acini (5). The pancreatic islet (3)
               contains  rich  vascularization  (6).  The  exocrine  secretory  acini  (5)  consist  of
               pyramid-shaped cells arranged around small lumina whose centers contain one
               or more light-staining centroacinar cells (4).

                   The smallest excretory duct in the pancreas is the intercalated duct (1) lined

               with a simple cuboidal epithelium.

               FIGURE 16.15 ■ Pancreas: endocrine (pancreatic islet) and exocrine regions.
               Stain: periodic acid–Schiff and hematoxylin. ×80.

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