Page 670 - Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations
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the  mucosa.  Most  of  the  trachealis  muscle  (7)  fibers  insert  into  the

               perichondrium (9) that covers the hyaline cartilage (3).

                   The lumen of the trachea is lined with a pseudostratified ciliated columnar
               epithelium (12) with goblet cells. The underlying lamina propria (13) contains
               connective  tissue  fibers,  diffuse  lymphatic  tissue,  and  occasional  lymphatic
               nodules. Located deeper in the lamina propria (13) is the longitudinal elastic

               membrane (14) formed by elastic fibers. This membrane (14) divides the lamina
               propria  (13)  from  the  submucosa  (4)  in  which  are  found  the  tubuloacinar
               seromucous tracheal glands (10) whose excretory ducts (11) pass through the
               lamina propria (13) to the tracheal lumen.

                   The  mucosa  exhibits  mucosal  folds  (5)  along  the  posterior  wall  of  the
               trachea. The seromucous tracheal glands (10) that are present in the submucosa
               can be seen in the adventitia (1).

               FIGURE  17.9  ■  Trachea  (panoramic  view,  transverse  section).  Stain:

               hematoxylin and eosin. Low magnification.

               FIGURE 17.10 | Tracheal Wall (Sectional View)

               A  section  of  tracheal  wall  between  the  hyaline  cartilage  (1)  and  the
               pseudostratified  ciliated  columnar  epithelium  (8)  with  goblet  cells  (10)  is
               illustrated at a higher magnification. A thin basement membrane (9) separates
               the lining epithelium (8) from the lamina propria (11).

                   The submucosa (6) contains seromucous tracheal glands (3) with a serous

               demilune  (7)  surrounding  a  mucous  acinus  of  the  tracheal  glands  (3).  The

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