Page 15 - CON Boardpack 20201027 November v00-03 (Final)
P. 15
SAPPO may present 2 consecutive webinars on 2 and 3 September
2020, respectively. EB 17/2020-15/07/2020
8.8.2 AGM reporting
Constitution amendment
Johann Kotzé sought the Board’s approval to approach lawyers for
a proposal to amend the Constitution in order to make provision for
circumstances where an AGM cannot be held in person. The
revised constitution can be adopted at the AGM 2021.
The Board agreed that Johann Kotzé could seek a proposal from
lawyers to have the Constitution amended to provide for
circumstances where an AGM cannot be held in person. EB 18/2020-
8.8.3 RMIF
The meeting with the RMIF was delayed as there was not yet any
possibility of meeting in person. The meeting will take place as soon
as possible.
8.8.4 SANS 1478:2016 (SA National Standard – Pig Welfare)
The Board noted that the SANS document on pig welfare was
recognised by courts as the standard to follow in the event of a
court case. The NSPCA lost a case against Pick n Pay based on the
SANS document.
The NSPCA put pressure on small-scale farmers to comply with the
welfare standards.
During a short discussion on whether or not SAPPO should initiate any
changes to the SANS document, the members were reminded that
it was not a legal document but merely guidelines. However, the
document was important in the event of any dispute as the courts
will refer to it for guidance.
The conclusion of the discussion was that it should remain
unchanged as SAPPO’s standard was higher. The NSPCA can start
if they wished to.
Concerns were raised as to what the consequences would be if a
SAPPO member was at a lower standard than the SAPPO protocol.
Dr Peter Evans reminded the members that SAPPO does not force
members to adhere to the SAPPO code. Everyone slaughtering a