Page 19 - Wagp_InterfaceElectronic_Volume4_2015_US.pdf
P. 19
Electronic Circuit Breakers Uninterruptible Power Supplies Capacitive Buffer Modules
Configurable protection via 4-channel The Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Capacitive buffer modules ensure smooth
electronic circuit breakers, for shutting provides reliable power applications operation and protect data during shorter
down faulty 24VDC current paths. Offe- impacted by long-term power outages. 24VDC power interruptions. Depending
ring adjustable trip times, the Electronic The UPS consists of a charger, controller on the output current and buffer capacity,
Circuit Breakers can respond to short and a connected battery (capacities buffer times up to several seconds can be
circuits/overloads quicker than tradi- ranging from 3.2 to 12 Ah are availab- achieved. Control units are particularly
tional circuit breakers or melting fuses, le). In battery operation, 24VDC can be sensitive to short power interruptions.
or when unintended start-ups must be provided for several hours depending on This is why an integrated signal contact
prevent in the event of a ground fault the load current and battery capacity. reports buffer operation, offering the
(see EN 60204). This is particularly The charger and controller are supplied control unit sufficient time for preventive
advantageous when using long cables with 24VDC from an external power measures (e.g., saving valuable produc-
between a power supply and load where supply — capacity must be matched to tion data or program parameters).
loop resistance may be very high. Inte- the load. Operation, configuration and
grated current and voltage monitoring, diagnosis are simplified by an integrated
as well as parameter setting via display LCD with keypad, or free software using
and on-unit function keys, or via free an RS-232 interface (for connection to a
software from a PC or PLC, provides easy PC or PLC). The battery modules have a
operation and diagnosis. Electronic circuit temperature sensor NTC 164 (4k7 Ω),
breakers with active current limitation allowing for temperature-controlled char-
(maximum 1.5 times rated current) are ging via charger and controller, which
also available as an option. These advan- may extend the battery's service life.
ced features enable the Electronic Circuit
Breakers to reliably prevent voltage drops
in the event of a short circuit.
Communication Cable
The communication cable connects the
RS-232 interface for power supplies with
integrated LineMonitor (787-85x) and
electronic circuit breakers (787-86x), as
well as UPS charger and controller units
(787-87x) to the RS-232 interface of a
PC or PLC. When combined with free
software, the cable provides easy para-
Redundancy Module meterization and diagnostics for these
WAGO power supply solutions.
The redundancy module has two inte-
grated power diodes (2 x 20A) for par-
allel connection of power supplies, while
improving power supply availability or
DC/DC Converters
increasing the total current (max. 40A)
DC/DC converters available in 6.2mm- for the 24VDC loads.
wide terminal block housing or DIN-rail A signal contact reports the failure of one
mount carrier. These converters are ideal or both input voltages, which is also dis-
for applications where it is not necessary played via LED.
to use a separate power supply with
special voltage due to low power require-
ments (e.g., when supplying sensors,
actuators or DALI bus devices).