Page 18 - Wagp_InterfaceElectronic_Volume4_2015_US.pdf
P. 18
0 WAGO EPSITRON – 787 Series
High-Performance and Efficient Advanced Power Supplies
PRO Power Supplies CLASSIC Power Supplies ECO Power Supplies
Slimline, 1- and 3-phase, primary switch Single-phase, primary switch mode, indu- Single-phase, primary switch mode
mode power supplies feature a wide strial power supplies provide a with wide power supplies in sturdy metal housing
input voltage range, stabilized, adjustable input voltage range and robust metal offer a wide input voltage range from 90
24VDC output voltage and up to 93% housings. The CLASSIC Power Supplies to 264VAC, without manual switching.
high efficiency. An integrated Power- have a stabilized, adjustable output volta- The stabilized, front-panel adjustable
Boost (up to 200 % output power for 4 ge and provide short-circuit and overload 24VDC output voltage is protected
seconds) allows reliable starting of heavy protection. The devices achieve high against open and short circuits, and
loads with high inrush currents, eliminating efficiency and the integrated LED status constant current operation is provided in
expensive oversizing of the switch mode indicator conveniently provides operatio- the overload range. LEDs quickly provide
power supply. The TopBoost function, nal status at a glance. CAGE CLAMP operational status at a glance. CAGE
which provides a much higher output cur- pluggable terminations permit efficient CLAMP provides fast, vibration-proof
rent of up to 60A for 50ms, permits use pre-wiring. and maintenance-free terminations.
of standard circuit breakers for protection The CLASSIC Power Supplies are avai-
on the secondary side. This enables safe lable in four nominal output voltages:
tripping within the time limits required by 12VDC, 24VDC or 48VDC, as well as
the EN 60204 standard. 30.5VDC for AS-Interface networks.
Rail-Mounted Modules – Rail-Mounted Modules –
Select devices utilize the LineMonitor fea- Constant Voltage Sources Power Supplies
ture for current and voltage monitoring,
fault memory and parameterization opti- Constant voltage sources provide stabili- Conventional transformer power supply
ons via LCD display, on-unit function keys, zed 24VDC voltage via integrated longi- with bridge rectifier, smoothing capa-
or free monitoring software and available tudinal voltage regulator. citors and stabilized output voltage via
RS-232 interface from a PC and PLC. This CAGE CLAMP provides fast, vibration- longitudinal voltage regulator. This power
allows the power supply to replace addi- proof and maintenance-free terminations. supply is ideal for supplying small loads
tional devices, such as phase failure and The modules are DIN-rail mountable. with nominal output voltages of 24VDC,
phase sequence monitoring devices or 12VDC, ± 12 VDC and ± 15 VDC. The
operational hour meters. low residual ripple makes the units well
suited to applications using analog tech-
Additionally, the single-phase power sup- nology.
plies have a stand-by mode to switch off CAGE CLAMP provides fast, vibration-
the device output via remote input, while proof and maintenance-free terminations.
minimizing power consumption. CAGE The modules are DIN-rail mountable.
CLAMP pluggable terminations permit
efficient pre-wiring.