Page 335 - Mechatronics with Experiments
P. 335
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to CPU F Ch1
A/D F Ch2
converter S&H
F Ch3
Sample &
hold circuits
F Ch4
Anti- aliasing
toCPU S&H F Ch1
A/D S&H F Ch2
S&H F Ch3 FIGURE 5.55: Multiplexed multi
channel analog signal and sampling
Sample & S&H F Ch4 via a single A/D converter: (a)
hold circuits multiplexed sample-and-hold
Ant i- aliasing
filter circuit, (b) simultaneous
(b) sample-and-hold circuit.
time must be long enough so that the circuit output voltage reaches the input voltage value
within a desired accuracy. Typical values of T on are in the order of microseconds. It should
be pointed out that the sample and hold circuit shown in Figure 5.54 is only a basic concept
circuit. Actual sample and hold circuits involve two or more op-amps and are a bit more
complicated. One op-amp is used to buffer the input and the other op-amp is used to buffer
the sampled output.
Quite often an A/D converter is used to sample and convert signals from multiple
channels. A multiplexer has many input channels and one output channel. It selectively
connects one of the input channels to the output channel. The selection is made by a
digital code in a set of digital lines in the interface. Figure 5.55 shows two different
implementations. In case (a), there is only one sample and hold circuit. Therefore, the
signals converted from different channels are not taken at the same time instant. For
instance, the A/D converter selects channel 1, samples-hold-converts. This takes finite
time, T conv . Then it selects-samples-holds-converts channel 2. This takes another T conv
time. Hence, the channel 3 will be sampled 2 T conv time later than channel 1. This is called
the sequential sample-and-hold.
In case (b), there are individual sample and hold circuits for each channel. All the
channels are sampled at the same time and signals are held at that value. Then the A/D
conversion goes through each channel using the multiplexer. This is called the simultaneous
sample-and-hold circuit.
Quantization Error of A/D and D/A Converters: Resolution An n-bit
device can represent 2 different states. The resolution of the device is one part in 2 − 1. In
physical signal terms, the resolution is 1 part in the whole range divided by 2 − 1. Notice
that we need to mark a range into four discrete levels (Figure 5.56). Similarly, if we have
the ability to represent 2 states, we can divide a given range into 2 levels. Therefore, the
resolution of an n-bit A/D or D/A converter is
V range ∕(2 − 1) (5.317)