Page 55 - 2019 Full SCCTM Conference Program
P. 55
2:15 - 3:15 Session 86 3rd - 8th 101B
We will show several ways that you can make math engaging and fun for your kids. We will energize your
inner bunny as you become a student today. We will give you the tools to make your classroom... literacy-
rich, interactive, a place to encourage mathematical discourse, challenging with weekly problem solvers
that make it real world, integrate science and social studies with blogs and projects, integrate writing
about mathematical thinking, and teach concepts with Ozobots.
NCTM Principles to Actions: Establishing Mathematics Goals to Focus Learning, Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and
Problem Solving, Using and Connecting Mathematical Representations, Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse, Posing
Purposeful Questions, Building Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding, Supporting Productive Struggle in Learning
Mathematics, Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking
Julie Scott & Ava Cogdill
River Ridge Elementary Spartanburg
2:15 - 3:15 Session 87 9th - 12th 104A
Practical Formative Assessment Strategies to Use with High School Students
Learn about and practice formative assessment strategies that can be implemented
immediately in your classroom that you can use to determine students' knowledge and
adjust your instruction.
NCTM Principles to Actions: Facilitating Meaningful Mathematical Discourse, Posing Purposeful Questions, Eliciting and Using
Evidence of Student Thinking
David Ebert, Oregon High School / NCTM Board of Directors
2:15 - 3:15 Session 88 6th - 12th 104B
Magic + Mystery + Math = A Winning Formula
Experience how students can use mathematics to explain seemingly impossible odds in
card tricks, counterintuitive results with dice, and mind reading with numbers. These
engaging activities get students excited about mathematics and require them to think
about the how and why of mathematics instead of just the what and when.
NCTM Principles to Actions: Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving, Facilitating Meaningful
Mathematical Discourse, Building Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding, Supporting Productive Struggle in Learning
Mathematics, Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking
Brad Fountain, Discovery Education