Page 57 - 2019 Full SCCTM Conference Program
P. 57
2:15 - 3:15 Session 92 PreK - College Exhibit Hall 3
Give me an hour...I'll give you the super power…….
Imagine a classroom where students respond to your request the first time. Where the
non-compliant student learns to self-correct inappropriate behavior. Wouldn't it be great
if you could stop spending so much time on correcting low-level behaviors and more
time doing what you love...teaching?
NCTM Principles to Actions: Effective Researched-based Classroom Management Strategies
Dr. Alicia McCree, YWCA of the Central Carolinas
2:30 - 4:45 Session 93 6th - 12th Atrium Alcove
Effectively Using Algebra Tiles in Middle Level and
Secondary Mathematics Classes
This interactive session will allow participants to engage with algebra tiles and highlight
uses designed to help develop deeper conceptual understanding among students.
NCTM Principles to Actions: Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving, Using and Connecting
Mathematical Representations, Building Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding
Jennifer Wise, Lexington School District Two
3:00 - 4:30 Session 94 PreK - 5th 102A
Math Shakers - There's A Whole Lot of Shaking going On!
Shake it up with the Super Powers of fund in math class. During this session concepts
covered will include: fact fluency, and basic operations, patterns doubles, make 10's,
place value, fractions, and more. Journal masters and student samples will be shared.
Come prepared to play, move and learn!
NCTM Principles to Actions: Implementing Tasks that Promote Reasoning and Problem Solving, Using and Connecting
Mathematical Representations, Building Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding, Supporting Productive Struggle in
Learning Mathematics, Eliciting and Using Evidence of Student Thinking
Lori Triplett, Richland 2 School District, Columbia S.C.
Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks consultant