Page 45 - 24 May 2024 Current affairs
P. 45

January 2024                                  Ki z
                                                                                                            Ki z d
                                                                                                         Cultivating Love for Learning

  SCOPE                     Current Affairs

       Tsunami Waves Hit Japan A er 7.5 Quake, Residents

       Asked To “Run”

       On  Monday,  a  potent  7.5-magnitude
       earthquake  struck  central  Japan,
       according  to  the  USGS,  leading  to
       tsunami warnings and urgent advisories
       for  residents  in  the  affected  area  to
       relocate to elevated terrain. "Immediate
       evacuation to higher ground is essential
       for  all  residents,"  declared  national
       broadcaster  NHK,  responding  to  the
       seismic event that occurred in the Noto
       region  of  Ishikawa  prefecture  around
       4:10 pm (0710 GMT).
       The  Hawaii-based  Pacific  Tsunami
       Warning  Center  cautioned  about  the
       potential for hazardous tsunami waves within 300 kilometers (190 miles) of the quake's epicenter along the
       Japanese coast. Wajima city in Ishikawa prefecture confirmed a tsunami of 1.2 meters, while the Japan
       Meteorological Agency (JMA) anticipated a much larger tsunami, reaching five meters in Noto within the
       same region.
                                                               The JMA reported a rapid succession of quakes in
                                                               the Noto region, situated on the Sea of Japan side
                                                               of  Honshu,  Japan's  main  island.  The  seismic
                                                               sequence  began  with  a  5.7-magnitude  tremor  at
                                                               4:06 pm local  time, followed  by a 7.6-magnitude
                                                               quake at 4:10 pm, a 6.1-magnitude quake at 4:18
                                                               pm,  a  4.5-magnitude  one  at  4:23  pm,  a  4.6-
                                                               magnitude quake at 4:29 pm, and a 4.8-magnitude
                                                               quake  at  4:32  pm.  Shortly  thereafter,  a  6.2-
                                                               magnitude quake occurred, as reported by the US
                                                               Geological Survey.
                                                               The  intensity  of  the  largest  quakes  prompted
       broadcasters to switch to special programming, urgently calling on affected residents to evacuate to higher
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