Page 46 - 24 May 2024 Current affairs
P. 46

January 2024                                  Ki z
                                                                                                            Ki z d
                                                                                                         Cultivating Love for Learning

  SCOPE                     Current Affairs

       PSLV-C58 XPoSat: India launches satellite to study

       black holes from Sriharikota

       The  Indian  Space  Research  Organisation  (ISRO)  initiated  the
       dawn of New Year 2024 with a remarkable demonstration of space
       capabilities  by  successfully  launching  the  X-ray  Polarimeter
       Satellite  (XPoSat)  along  with  10  other  payloads  on  Monday
       The meticulous 25-hour countdown for the launch of the Polar
       Satellite Launch Vehicle-DL (PSLV-DL) commenced flawlessly at
       8:10 a.m. on Sunday, as reported by ISRO officials. The PSLV-DL
       variant, designated as PSLV-C58, stands at an impressive 44.4
       meters in height and weighs 260 tons, poised for liftoff from the first
       launch  pad  at  the  Satish  Dhawan  Space  Centre  (SDSC)  in
       Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.
       A significant highlight of this mission is the execution of the PSLV
       Orbital  Experimental  Module-3  (POEM-3)  experiment,  designed  to  achieve  the  objectives  of  the  10
       identified payloads. These payloads have been contributed by both ISRO and the Indian National Space
       Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe).
       The primary focus of the satellite is to comprehend the sources of X-rays and conduct comprehensive
       research on black holes. This mission marks only the world's second endeavor of this nature, following
       NASA's Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer mission in 2021.
       Denmark’s Queen Margrethe II to abdicate a er 52

       years on throne

       On  Sunday,  Denmark's  Queen  Margrethe  II  made  a
       historic announcement, revealing her intention to abdicate
       after an impressive 52-year reign and pass the throne to
       her son, Crown Prince Frederik. During her New Year's
       speech,  the  queen,  Europe's  longest-reigning  living
       monarch, shared her decision to step down on January
       14. This date holds particular significance as it marks the
       anniversary of her own accession to the throne at the age
       of 31, following the passing of her father, King Frederik IX.
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