Page 82 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 82

We’ve	built	real	relationships	with	influencers	in	our	space	including	Neil	Patel,
Sean	Ellis,	James	Schramko,	Noah	Kagan,	and	Dan	Andrews.

Everyone	 I	 know	 who	 has	 started	 a	 podcast	 lists	 the	 networking	 as	 the	 number
one	 benefit.	 If	 you	 are	 like	 me,	 and	 you	 don’t	 love	 the	 idea	 of	 calling	 an
influencer	 just	 to	 talk,	 then	 a	 podcast	 interview	 is	 an	 awesome	 alternative.	 You
are	 creating	 free	 content	 for	 them	 and	 helping	 to	 spread	 their	 message,	 so	 you
don’t	feel	bad	asking	for	the	interview.

Some	other	benefits	of	podcasting:

  1.	It’s	quite	easy	to	do.	Not	everyone	can	write,	but	most	people	can	talk.
  2.	Hearing	your	voice	builds	people’s	trust	significantly.
  3.	 It	 opens	 you	 up	 to	 entire	 new	 marketing	 channels	 like	 iTunes	 and	 Stitcher

  4.	It	allows	you	to	have	one-on-one	time	with	people	in	entirely	new	situations

     (when	they	are	driving,	at	the	gym	etc.).
  5.	 It	 gives	 you	 great	 authority	 in	 your	 field.	 A	 lot	 of	 people	 have	 a	 blog,	 but

     podcasting	 is	 still	 fairly	 new.	 I	 think	 people	 assume	 it’s	 difficult	 and	 you
     have	 to	 have	 a	 studio	 to	 do	 it,	 but	 that’s	 not	 the	 case.	 Most	 podcasters	 I
     know,	 even	 the	 ones	 with	 seven-figure	 businesses,	 are	 doing	 their	 podcast
     from	home.

I’m	 also	 a	 big	 advocate	 of	 going	 on	 other	 people’s	 podcasts.	 When	 you	 have
your	own	podcast,	you’ll	start	getting	invitations	to	appear	on	other	ones.	It	takes
hardly	 any	 time	 and	 they	 do	 all	 the	 work,	 so	 jump	 on	 it!	 I’m	 not	 above	 asking
people	if	I	can	come	on	their	podcast	either.	It	builds	an	association	between	you
and	 another	 influencer,	 it’s	 fun,	 easy,	 and	 spreads	 your	 message	 to	 new

If	 you	 are	 interested	 in	 getting	 started	 with	 podcasting,	 I	 have	 prepared	 a
detailed	guide	which	you	can	get	for	free	at

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