Page 105 - O uso das tecnologias assistivas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de estudantes com necessidades educacionais específicas
P. 105

paper   proposes   the   use   of   active   learning
               methodologies through the Problem-Based Learning
               approach.   In   this   sense,   an   initiative   of   a   teacher
               training workshop in Assistive Technology is presented,
               which involves the resolution of problem situations,
               with   discussions,   research   and   experimentation.   A
               group of 14 teachers participated in the training, which
               proved   effective   in   combining   theory   and   practice
               through learning situations built on real cases. The
               workshop   was   conducted   in   four   moments:   the
               presentation   of   problem   situations,   which   made   it
               possible   for   teachers   in   groups   to   reflect   on   the
               situation of each student; a theoretical presentation
               on   AT;   experimenting   with   AT   resources,   which
               enabled   participants   to   reflect   on   the   possibilities
               offered   by   Assistive   Technology   to   students   with
               disabilities and how they can actively participate in this
               process; and, finally, the proposal of a solution to the
               problem presented. The search for solutions allowed
               the development of teamwork and self-learning skills.

               Keywords: Assistive Technology; professional training;
               teachers; Problem-Based Learning.

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