Page 218 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 218


          Quarter           Content Standards                   Performance Standards                    Most Essential Learning Competencies           Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                                                                                  listens perceptively  to music of East Asia;           Week 1
                                                                                                  analyzes musical elements of selected songs and        Week 2
                                                                                                  instrumental pieces heard and performed;
                                                                                                  explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of      Week 3
                     demonstrates understanding of                                                sources that would simulate instruments being studied;
             2       common and distinct musical        performs East Asian music with            improvises simple accompaniment to selected East       Week 4
                                                        appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression
         QUARTER   characteristics of East Asian                                                  Asian music;
                                                        and style
                     countries                                                                    * performs music from East Asia with own               Week 5-
                                                                                                  accompaniment;                                            6
                                                                                                  evaluates music and music performances using           Week 7-
                                                                                                  guided rubrics applying knowledge of musical              8
                                                                                                  elements and style.

          Quarter           Content Standards                   Performance Standards                    Most Essential Learning Competencies           Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                                                                                                  listens perceptively  to music of South Asia and the   Week 1
                                                                                                  Middle East;

                                                                                                  analyzes musical elements of selected songs and        Week 2
                                                                                                  instrumental pieces heard and performed;
                     demonstrates an understanding                                                explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of      Week 3
             3       of common and distinct musical     performs South Asia and the Middle        sources that would simulate instruments being studied;
                                                        East music with appropriate pitch,
         QUARTER   characteristics of South Asia and                                              improvises simple accompaniment to selected South      Week 4
                                                        rhythm, expression and style.
                     the Middle East.                                                             Asia and the Middle East music;
                                                                                                  * performs music from South Asia and Middle East       Week 5-
                                                                                                  with own accompaniment;                                   6
                                                                                                  evaluates music and music performances using           Week 7-
                                                                                                  guided rubrics applying knowledge of musical              8
                                                                                                  elements and style.
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